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Everything posted by Claysive

  1. Somewhere around 500 meters. I’d have to get on to see the exact number
  2. Too low. The garage I had not far from it was bought for 4 mil. One of my dp 9 garages sold for 5. Gonna have to up them numbers my man.
  3. Yes
  4. Max virtual space is 1400. Make an offer.
  5. Happy Birthday @Trenton The God

    1. drama


      Thank you GOAT Supervisor :wub:

  6. Claysive


  7. Those parking spots is whats off. Idk who attempted to line up those concrete dividers, but must have been high af.
  8. Claysive

    Ryan Flex

    These new medic uniforms are slick https://gyazo.com/0a7495eb20051db3234b4b31714fa7ed
  9. https://steamcommunity.com/id/claysive/
  10. Claysive

    [WTB] Tazers

    1 mil
  11. Claysive

    [WTB] Tazers

    I have a mk-1 taser I can sell you
  12. Happy Birthday @PJ228

    1. PJ.


      Thanks for the love bro. Much love ❤️.

  13. Removed: Wheelchair access to all R&R Locations sorry @Coffee. We'll get you in there somehow. Fixed: Dopamine Crates Payouts +1 Thanks for putting in the work!
  14. Shut up nerd
  15. I just couldn’t help myself. It was too easy
  16. Yeah, well no1sperfect
  17. never gets old



  18. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/profiles/76561198182775233/#sort=order
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