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Everything posted by Claysive

  1. Happy Birthday @buckie 

    1. buckie


      Thank you mr magic

  2. Congrats @Mike Lit & @Lime

    1. Lime


      Means a lot! I hope I can live up to the standards ; ) 

    2. Mike Lit

      Mike Lit

      Thanks man! Wanna make papa Clay proud.

  3. shhh! forgot about that!
  4. Ah, the ol 'die and blame the medics' routine. Works nicely doesn't it? If you die, and its even slightly questionable whether or not you want to respawn, don't request medic. Hitting request medic is on you. It's a risk you take. Seven mins after you request, you are able to respawn. Here's a tip for you, if you reach that seven min point and still haven't been picked up, you don't have to hit request medic again, in fact, maybe that option should be removed. Anyways, whether or not you hit request medic again, the medic can still see that you need picked up, and you have the option to respawn readily available to you, should you so chose, as long as you don't hit request medic again. Now, you are claiming you sat there for 15 mins after hitting request denial.. Due to the above mentioned mechanics, I find this hard to believe, or hard to blame the medics rather.
  5. Good luck!
  6. Claysive


    No, most of my money has been from Medic, APD and runs/robbing. I can't imagine getting on a video game to just stand there and bet.
  7. Claysive


    Also part of the problem. There is no stopping. I've seen @Fusionz lose everything, and start betting paychecks to make money instead of going out and doing runs. Or going to do a backpack run of plat, just to bet it. Once he won a few times, it was just back to only betting for money and not doing runs. Player interaction is what the server needs and people only betting for money and not doing runs is what is killing it.
  8. Claysive


    This is the problem. People are gaining so much by literally doing nothing. Granted, there is a risk of losing your money, but either way someone is getting rich by doing nothing at all. Salvage was nerfed to shit because it was deemed a safe afk run, but at least those people were doing runs. With betting, people are making it to the billions by just standing there. Seems scuffed to me.
  9. Claysive


  10. Claysive


  11. Not saying you, but some of the people who make this same statement or something along the same lines, are the ones who throw the biggest fit when they are denied by third party. Everyone likes to throw shade at medics until they need them!
  12. Once again, glad to see you're still alive!
  13. Chief Debate still happening tonight? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Claysive


      True! Would be golden tho! 

    3. xDRO


      It was. But me and @Creepy were told we were "interfering". So will just have to leave it to the great minds of SrAPD.


    4. Linka


      @xDRO debate would’ve been fun, japd can’t even vote so I don’t see the issue

  14. Congrats @Noahhh!! Good job to everyone else as well!
  15. Claysive


    Welcome back! Not much has changed. Aids is still very easy to catch and your ears still get raped at restart! Enjoy your stay!
  16. Who broke TS? 

    1. Zeuse


      It's only Americans I'm pretty sure lmao, UK + EU aren't losing connection.  Join with a UK VPN or some shit, it fixes it for now.  

    2. Bloodmoon


      US shutting down and descending into anarchy.

  17. 201k!
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