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Corporal Moob

Retired Chief
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Corporal Moob last won the day on March 25 2020

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About Corporal Moob

Legacy VIP
APD Officer
  • Birthday 12/18/1995

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    Northern Ireland Cunty Derry
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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Damn. That's actually a rip. Hope him and his fam find peace.
  2. aids
  3. Jets were a terrible idea in the first place wot
  4. Who's the weird cunt playing under my name and RDM'ing people from Kavala hills. Haven't played here in like 2 years. Kinda cringe tbh


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Joce


      Ricky Spanish strikes again

    3. Tech


      Did a large pharma while the entire APD force was gambling and you set up a roadblock of hatchbacks in my path and sprayed me down 😞

    4. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      @Horizon played for a week and a half, nothing regular, get tee fuck

  5. Holy Johnson hop
  6. If you wanna play on a shit server like that one , you may as well just cut to the chase and just literally eat bowls of shit. 



    1. Show previous comments  36 more
    2. Dank MeeMoo

      Dank MeeMoo

      @Strafe you’re saying people are constantly breaking rules but you’re not showing anybody proof. As for looking through rocks on cap everyone seems to do it that fights cap, personally I don’t like it but if an entire group of people have agreed upon something being allowed in their fights why ban them?

    3. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      @Grandma Gary better start recording - I’m comin for ya

  7. Happy Birthday @SPBojo ye big wanker ye

    1. SPBojo


      Cheers Corporal Wheelchair!!

  8. what have you been up to bud?

    1. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      Creepin like fuck. I've been playin the server with a few people over the last week or so, doin my bi-monthly visit before i realise how cancer this game is as per usual, you know how it is.

  9. Merry Christmas you fenian bastards 😄

    1. Horizon


      merry christmas chief! 

  10. Come fuck around on Arma once in a while my man.

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