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Everything posted by 1-800TryHards

  1. Yeah think about it the new DLC that came out is called old man kinda funny how old arma 3 is now so basically saying arma 4 is on the way.
  2. Fuck the Corona
    1. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Dont matter. Riken likes being dicked down im pretty sure

    2. SPBojo


      1-800CheatsHard :pogchamp:

    3. Billeh


      @KGB JOSH i thought that was hoonter?


  3. 07 bb had the best times with the gang.
  4. 07 little man
  5. facts, thanks bro
  6. lmao thanks
  7. Well this is quite gai of me to make but the server is not really fun for me anymore so today I said fuck it. To all the support rats you guys were all cool asf (The kids in TS everyday that I would talk to) Not gonna @ anyone but anyone that I was chill with you know whats up. Overall kinda dumb of me to go out this way but if I was gonna have fun one more time playing this sever this is what I was gonna do. Though I didn't get far in the fun props to Sapd for shutting me down so quick. From grinding for Corp I can say it was aids but in the end its not worth it boys. Shout out to Sapd for giving me a chance.Though I got what I wanted and it was fun while it lasted boys. If you love this sever keep grinding monks. o7
  8. baned.png.2ca20dddfe06acbcb0416ae94c16c290.png????? For what lmao I didn't even do anything.........

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Ryan


      @iPopsicle Yeah it was intended to be Mass RDM, man out here doing things in reverse adding See sAPD in game and Mass RDM on teamspeak :kappa:

    3. Elements


      then give him staff in reverse

  9. Not surprised TBH....

  10. Lmao someone scam this retard plz
  11. Cartel fighters taking a break from Minecraft yet ?
  12. 07 man I appreciate all the love you had for this community and respect it .
  13. what a rat @ChicagoJack

    1. ChicagoJack


      Homie you said you were going to kill me and made me sit in a locked offroad for 15min. You're a loser:D

      You went thru all my post's and down-voted them lmaoo you really are a lame.

  14. Joined the community a hour ago and drops 2 big donations damn!

  15. Federal events should be interesting now.
  16. Mans @Hylos is just climbing up the Olympus ladder, congrats!

  17. To also add don’t be that vigi that uses a suppressor on their gun if cops know the rules they can be dick heads and revoke you’re license.
  18. lmao
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