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Retired Coordinator
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Everything posted by CommanderSuki

  1. c221d573d166d58a9dd9721e9af41eea.jpg

    1. Joce


      Good to see you Suki

    2. Legendary
    3. Viper


      I was so small back then @Legendary but id still kick sukis fat fucking ass AND I STILL have more money than him ImAgInE that

  2. YEET


    1. Civak


      that's what you deserve for doxing a bunch of kids

    2. Lime


      The redcoats are comin!

  3. Some cops are nice i've been let go after beating a guy senseless because he hit me in the back of my head and his friends attacked me and my friends but ive also met one who looked like he was on coke and wanted to fight me he kept pushing me threw me on the ground put handcuffs on me and started kicking me in the side and face with his knee i even got a ticket for pushing him even though i never touched him or resisted. I've seen a friend being beaten up the in the back of a police car with a flashlight because he was standing near a fight and watching we had to piss on there car to get them away from him so we could get him out. I dont trust cops but some are nice depends on the area your in and the cop your dealing with. One of the funniest things i've seen was a cops reaction when he looked in my closet with airsoft weapons the dude grabbed his gun and almost shit himself when he saw a M60, M4, 2 Colt M1911, M203 grenade launcher plus grenades and a couple of other weapons i had a good laugh with his buddy because of that.
  4. There is a glitch in the ticket system that sometimes changes the last 3 numbers in the steam id used to be the last 2 but it started changing the last 3 some months ago i dont if all staff and Sr members are aware of it.
  5. The amount of R&R members is actually high it's almost like during the summer we usually go under 200 when people go back to school this time last year we had 197 members but i guess the migration from Asylum has kept the numbers up.
  6. Got on top of your kitten you make it sound like a lion or tiger Sorry to hear about the birds though losing a pet sucks i lost my dog Thor this summer to old age.
  7. Stephen Hawking: It is clear that we are just an advanced breed of primates on a minor planet orbiting around a very average star, in the outer suburb of one among a hundred billion galaxies. BUT, ever since the dawn of civilization people have craved for an understanding of the underlying order of the world. There ought to be something very special about the boundary conditions of the universe. And what can be more special than that there is no boundary? And there should be no boundary to human endeavor. We are all different. However bad life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succeed at. While there is life, there is hope.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. J O E

      J O E

      Bet that's what you think about when you take medic as a full time job

    3. Bloodmoon


      Don't you have medic applicants to dox instead of posting facebook stuff?

    4. Viper


      I would read this entire thing, but everything you say is irrelevant 

  8. I dont get it is it your paint skills thats supposed to be the meme or the fact that you call your self the APD gang?
  9. The note wasn't made before after he started saying he didn't care about the rules and would do it again i initially only wanted to clarify what was wrong in the situation and maybe find other ways to help.
  10. Its a outdated rule that probably should be changed but it is still a rule saying i dont care about the rules and then breaking them is not the correct way to deal with it that is also why this went so far its not the fact that he saved a life but that he didn't care about the rules went directly against the handbook and then said he didn't care even when corrected i never wanted to blacklist him only to notify him that is wasn't the correct way to deal with the situation that he went full retard after that is why it all went to shit. As for the note i gave him i do what im supposed to do when i see rule breaks i gave him a DC that he couldn't handle that is his own problem but fully within my guidelines. 1.1. Documented Counseling: Any behavioral misconduct or violation of the R&R handbook, or Olympus sever rules, that could be defined as accidental, un-intentional, or that cannot be defined as malicious or egregious in nature.
  11. I dont play that it's not my type of game.
  12. Oh look a salty kid
  13. Roses are red, and they say love's not made to last,

    But I know I'll never get enough of that sweet, sweet ass.

    All that jelly in your jeans, all that junk in your trunk,

    I just gotta have it - one look and I was sunk.

    If you ever wonder why I had to make you mine,

    It's 'cause no other lady has a tush so fine.

    They say you're not a looker, but I don't mind.

    What I'm looking at is the view from behind.

    Never been romantic, don't know what love means, 

    But I know I dig the way you're wearing those jeans.

    Hate to see you leave but love to watch you go.

    Turn back, then leave again - baby do it slow.

    I'm coming right after, gonna make a pass, 

    Can't get enough of that sweet, sweet ass.

  14. Google it theres loads of videos showing exactly what you want to do step by step.
  15. @Kyle Lake Is that you?


    1. LiL J
    2. MAV


      both wrong that goth ass could only be non other than @Strikke

    3. Kyle Lake

      Kyle Lake

      I think that is actually @Destruct

  16. We removed your blacklist yes didn't let you in because of it 2 different things. Yes you were suspended for a no brainer you decided to tell medics to passenger seat other people that also makes you a hypocrite when you say medics should get there head out of there ass i mean your dumb enough to vdm and tell other medics to do the same to other people while playing as a medic. Btw you had already been warned but you didn't care. You submitted a loa from 6/21/2018 to 8/16/2018 exceeding our then maximum of 2 weeks with 1 month and 12 days so you should expect it would be denied.
  17. Im not going to trash the APD i actually like some of the members they do a great job but the APD is just unfortunate with some of the members they have so is the R&R i mean we let you in.
  18. Sounds like Metro he is not fully developed.
  19. giphy.gif

    1. drama


      This is the most innocent thing suki has ever sent. Best birthday ever!

    2. CommanderSuki


      Eh it was supposed to make you feel uncomfortable i have failed but i will try again.


  20. I'm thinking 2014 when i think old ranks.
  21. We are not talking about changing the name of the ranks this is just some fantasy.
  22. The old ones were Dispatch, First Responder, Heavy Responder and Air Responder but let's pretend your right.
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