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Everything posted by Hunter

  1. How has the performance been on Battlefield 2042?


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mighty


      I have been playing battlefield since bad company 2. When they first announced specialists I was very against it. However they are really growing on me. I still wish they had certain weapons locked to a “class”. For example, I don’t like how everyone can equip an rpg. Shit gets aids quick with 128 players all running anti tank/air. My favorite is probably Sundance. Getting around the large maps in a wing suit is fast and fun. From that first trailer i thought Mackay (grappling guy) was cheesy but I love it. On Manifest (the shipping container map) it is so fun grappling to the top of container piles. Caspers drone is currently the fastest way to get XP. You get a fuck ton of XP for every spot and assist. Haven’t played much of the other specialists.

    3. Mighty


      If you’re skeptical you can always pay a few bucks for the ea pass and get a 10 hour trial of the game.

    4. Millennium
  2. In truth probably not worth coming back.
  3. a65f7bded2b25676258a32cfae397931.png


    1. Maddox


      to be fair its still in the morning, most of the population on the server plays later in the day

    2. Millennium


      Pretty sure those things aren’t accurate either like the discord bot. Could be wrong though.

    3. Mighty


      It’ll be rough for a few months. It’s that time of year where so many new games are coming out. Plus school.  

  4. Tip 1: Pull a AT and just camp Weed pro with it.
  5. Make it so when cops are killed they drop any dope shots/EPI pens they have on them. Does not apply to anything else

    1. Doof


      I would understand dope shots but not epis

    2. Monks


      Jesus I have never seen a worse idea in my life

  6. Tackle brutal football GIF on GIFER - by Gavinrawield

    APD seniors destroying people attempting to do a fed in 2021

  7. PO running around a corner screaming "tackle"
  8. #16 if you can rat any arrests possible #17 Give weapons to new spawns so they RDM then arrest them for money #18 Camp bottleneck if you need quick cash
  9. In your clip Maridith kills you 2 mins into the video so it does not fully show the full RP window so it got denied for lack of evidence
  10. Merge the servers 


    1. Maddox


      the only people against this is the people that use it as a money printer 🙂

    2. Grandma Gary
    3. Hunter


      Just bite the bullet and merge the two servers @ Ryan

  11. Shut down s2 and merge it permanently with s1

  12. 5900x 4ghz gtx 1080 32gb ram A 500gb and 1tb nvme drive
  13. So you're shooting yourself in the foot by refusing to take the vaccine because you have debt? You do realize the vaccine is free.
  14. is it just me that likes to wear the wetsuit even when I won't be fighting in the water?

    1. lukie


      no,  shut up

  15. ^^^^ Anything below 6.5 won't pen a Orcas glass until you have shot it something like 150 times
  16. Bring back At slinging. Miss it ;(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rafa


      An elegant weapon of a more civilized time 

    3. HooDi


      Think cops are the only ones that cried about it

    4. monster


      @HooDi defo not, getting at'd on cap by a kid whos 1.5k away floating in the sky and would fly away scared anytime anyone got within 800m was boring and cancer.

  17. Add the Maws to BW loot table 

    1. Noble


      To be fair, all a BW is in current state is a AT (jeep or offroad) with a mar10 or zaf here or there, The pool seems to have dried up as we have done 50+ BW and gotten 2 hurons and not a single fucking hawk. Im all for adding some cool new things to BW pool. IMO we should add the AT prowler but i know how strong it is and i know people will complain so it is what it is 

    2. Venomm


      • Added
        • NLAW to BW pool
  18. I would switch out the air cooler for a 360mm aio and then switch the case to the 011 dynamic. This is a high performing AIO but has a good price https://www.amazon.com/ARCTIC-Liquid-Freezer-All-One/dp/B07WNJCVNW I would also recommend buying extra fans I personally quite like this fan pack https://www.microcenter.com/product/621236/Touchaqua_Notos_O_RGB_Hydro_Bearing_120mm_Case_Fan_-_5_Pack?storeID=081 It comes with a fan hub for the PWM power and it comes with a fan hub for the RGB. If you have any questions about your computer build just Ping me or send me a PM and I will try and help you with your problem.
  19. 1 server with high pop is much more interesting then 2 not even half full
  20. If you think Silla is bad you never had to experience the 4 different Noble's attacking you at once with 20-30 online constantly well all of them have max level gang sheds and Vigi's
  21. Was at max 7 people What lmao. Would you rather us send you 5 different engagement message at once
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