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Everything posted by Hunter

  1. What happens with warning points and what happens after you get to a certain one

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Evannn is a good example of how I do "warning points" ^_____^

    3. Masonn


      The points are normally brain-dead as fuck either way got a point for recruiting for the 2nd team of the gang I was in on the recruitment page. Was also fun getting a point over outlining what I think should be bannable

    4. Millennium


      I got a warning point for saying the color black in spanish

  2. New mandalorian series is cool 

  3. Hunter


    Never watched him
  4. Hunter


    i meant to remove from friends list got bored and then started blocking random people on my iphone also deleting all discord messages sent by you to me
  5. Hunter


    i said put it on retailer then i told you nvm so logical reasoning is to wait the 15m or send a message back and not delete are entire conversation on discord
  6. Hunter


  7. Hunter


  8. Hunter


    Watch out this guy is a scammer his ingame name is [TBL] Diablos and his discord is R. Diablos#4738 https://gyazo.com/01213323dfada6ecd5bbc99d36e3d61c is the photo he sends people calming it is his house
  9. @Ryan unban Hadi Mokad

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jerrod


      im pretty sure he o7'd @Vigi Gang

    3. Hunter


      @Jerrod wouldent call leaking everyones ips 07ing or making videos and threatening to harm ikled irl and get olympus demonetized 

    4. purge


      @Vigi Gang No one gives a fuck

  10. @Ryan Whats gonna happen to S3? 

    1. maxg


      It should just be used as a Cartel Event/GW server imo

    2. Vcx


      Umm can I get on and sell gang shed @Ryan

  11. How would them giving us money work?
  12. Am i allowed to go fight there solo? on my Rebel account?
  13. i only added that for memes they are just empty folders
  14. https://gyazo.com/c2a9f9b79b737eed357db96a43d0cb74
  15. Hunter


    Olympus is a meme
  16. If you need lethal stings hit me up
  17. Cartel players be warned 

    DDOS is a Felony and can lead to up to 20 years in prison in the USA

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Hoonter


      @Silton you know all about it don't ya xd

    3. Jerrod
    4. JuanDeaged


      Don’t caaare, don’t caaaaaaareee, still don’t caaaare

  18. Hey trying to take a break from arma what are some of the current good games?

  19. Tried already they don’t accept people under 16
  20. I would be in apd but cant not 16 otherwise i would have applied by now
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