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Ben Shapiro

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Everything posted by Ben Shapiro

  1. okay so I'm on the server right now and apparently they removed passenger seating?? this is fucking ridiculous. Thanks olympus admins @ maxg @ Classy @ Fraali  @ Lea

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ben Shapiro

      Ben Shapiro

      @ JDC this is shocking information

    3. Lea


      How'd you know it was really me that got the change made... Life alert got tired of picking me up after falling down... 🤣🤣

    4. doubleueyeceekay


      I know an exploit to get around the passenger seat fix but the admins are oppressing me

  2. @ Fraali can you unban me real quick i need to pay my house taxes

  3. @ Fraali  I think you accidentally denied my ban appeal haha

    1. genesis


      free the swag boss

    2. Daniel_-
    3. Frato


      too powerful for the server they have to keep you in chains

  4. yo can i get my corporal back @ nicole
  5. This has been bugging me for a long time but I think I should finally come clean. In march of 2019 I lied to the senior apd about my age to gain illicit entry into the apd. I am very sorry. God I feel a weight coming off my chest just talking about it @ Pancake i fucking hate you so much

    1. Pancake


      this guy cheated btw 

  6. I have geolocated the server box for Olympus Entertainment servers. Ballistic missile will be launched 9/18/2024 1500 Zulu time. @ WALT  @ Fraali @ Mako

    Respond to my ransom demands immediately.

  7. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. 🕊️ Think of it like a 500m ifrit rip 🇵🇸 @ monster @ silton @ Fraali


  8. @ nem0 i fuicking hate you so much i cant even describe i feel it in my skin i hate you so much michael.

  9. RANDOMS BEEFING woo back wednesday solos ALL noobs @ katheeri

    1. Ben Shapiro

      Ben Shapiro

      can i get my tags back

    2. katheeri



  10. @ Metro Boomin You're a pussy and don't know how to act. I've bet you've never even held ten thousand dollars LOL come to pittsburgh buddy if you're man enough to face me

    @ nomadox @ thomaslorddd happy birthday!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Metro Boomin

      Metro Boomin

      @ Jungle Boys spoken like someone who has never held 10 grand. Pooron.

    3. Ben Shapiro

      Ben Shapiro

      @ Jungle Boys talk to me when you can come close to even a fraction of my wealth little boy https://gyazo.com/82e843b15b25cda191be8a7f755c6d5a

    4. Jungle Boys

      Jungle Boys

      you two are funny as fuck 

  11. Wow! I don't care dumbass.
  12. Top 5 arma players with most aura

    #5 mr swag boss (prime)

    #4 Big John (bloodlusted)

    #3 @ hawkg

    #2 raptor249

    #1 @ Scribble

    Honorable mention: @ monster

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Ben Shapiro
    3. -dante-


      Not gonna name drop but there’s at least one former senior medic…..

    4. Ben Shapiro

      Ben Shapiro

      ill consider him for a part 2

  13. mewing right now who up

  14. you can take the man out of arma but you can't take arma out of the man

  15. do NOT free me ‼️

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Benne
    3. Ben Shapiro
    4. Lonzo


      Ian even know niggas took dat pic of me😂😂 fuck dis game all good things come to a end 

  16. are you diamond drop or a different person i still do not kinow
  17. due to a decline in quality of SAPD members I will be stepping up as the next sergeant @apd member @ Winters @ Mako

  18. @ House leave her alone buddy
  19. thats it! I'm done with this childish forum shit. no more games, waking up at 5am and grinding from here on out. you virgins wouldnt get it @ WALT

  20. thanks for the summary i was not reading all that
  21. Mako banned WOO BACK for being too good at arma #aegis staff bias

    also happy birthday @ Hurricane

    1. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      I already banned wooback from kavala like 2 months ago lil guy

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