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Everything posted by Monks

  1. You see me and good ole @rabid have had our ups and downs with eachother. But eventually when you get your head out of the gutter you realize that he is a pretty ok guy and begin to fall in love with him... None the less how about we all come to a simple agreement and just delete ALF as a whole ey?
  2. Nerdy, teach these demons what the Apd is really abouttt.
  3. · Add garage to pharma drop off points @Outcast literally my idea lololol
  4. noooooo what happened to @SuWooP

  5. After careful consideration of everyones suggestions, it has been decided that we remove the civ council roundtable all together.

  6. hbd jewboy @Ryan

    jk i love jews

  7. Yeah @ThatNerdyGuy you freaking suck! Do my comp request rn you internet ego freak who sucks at his non paying job of a community for a dead game admin!!
  8. @ThatNerdyGuy i made a ban appeal like 3 hours ago why tf haven't you answered it yet

  9. I haven't been on 2day is the fps terrible now or sumfing

  10. @Bloodmoon Plan APD rat is a go.

    this is a congrats post btw dont be maddddd

  11. Monks


    I literally don't think they're was anything other than singles in this. Waaaaaaaaat.
  12. @Hylos called it yesterday. Just sayin.

  13. @Kamikaze gratz m8 don't fuk it up

  14. cc5c65cb4390bf6b10a37f9d9e98407c.pngCartel Event Winners right here

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. swrvy


      if these guys won a cartel event then there are officially no good gangs that play oly anymore

    3. evannnn


      @swervy or it’s the fact that it wasn’t announced so all the squatters fought and no one with brains knew about it

    4. Monks


      Lol @swervy and @evannnn both of those are true we were just a bunch of shitters who happened to be better than some other shitters who all happened to be on at the same time lol

  15. 0ddc486bc55a8d5f1fff8525c11ad5ee.jpg 


    @Civillian Council wat yall think?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Montez


      its bumping but the shit on the back looks like some minecraft art

    3. thor


      1 hour ago, Montez said:

      its bumping but the shit on the back looks like some minecraft art


    4. Monks


      @Montez lmao i kinda agree but i literally cant make the logo thingy unpixilated because the image i took it from was so small

  16. @Mason Harrison Happy birthday bihhhhhhh

    1. Mason Harrison

      Mason Harrison

      thank you PO monks btw that congo line made my night

    2. Monks


      Yeah that was epic lol did you get a clip of it? I wasn't recording unfortunately.

    3. Mason Harrison

      Mason Harrison

      I did lmao gimme a sec to gyazo it

  17. https://i.gyazo.com/0283733ebc9c9dab3bf3803aecc1223a.mp4 
    This makes it look easy...
    But either way i was messing around in editor just flying around and actually hit that on the first try. I'm nuts.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Noahhh!


      pilot scripts for sure

    3. Monks


      @Grandma Gary that was t4.... I know the script for it and figured out the calculations yall use. That makes it sound really nerdy but its quite simple.

    4. Grandma Gary
  18. ae660c1e5ee210b796f38b9db88d4049.jpg
    Live, Laugh, Love.

    1. Dicky





  19. fuck it lets remove bw and give everyone ghawks for free. Who's with me?

  20. rip @rabid's status update

  21. Hunters.png.2689fcb9d38c609dd41c6251d135faf2.pngApd when someone black does a bw

    its aight tho ik how it be doing a bw on cop

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