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Everything posted by lvy

  1. When paying bail make a confirm option so people don't accidentally pay bail when they try turning in contraband @ lvy yesss thank you
  2. Did anyone else get kidnapped and forced into a Tree ritual back then? lmao
  3. rip black tempest skin

  4. ~ What is your most memorable experience in our servers? when rabid would pull 34 hunters to blackwaters and still lost ~ What do you think a player should do at least ONCE while playing in our community? get their kidney ripped by 26 silla in kavala ~ What is your favorite location in Altis ~ sofia ~ What do you think is the best thing about Altis Life and our Olympus community? ~ the best thing about olympus is the sAPD, they are so hardworking ~ Who do you consider the most UNIQUE member of our community? ~ the rabid meal, only $7.99 at ur local mcD
  5. No they go for 2.5 lowest and 3.5-4m at max, i just sold my zafir for 3.3m. Back then people bought they for almost 4m so i think its funny you think you know the price lmao, if some one sold it for 2m, they could of sold it for more no doubt. I don't see a lot of BW gear being sold now a days so its no wonder why prices are higher. so worry about yourself bud
  6. 3.5 for zafir and you got a deal
  7. 1.7mil thank you
  8. Message me if you are selling any of these items: - sups: 5.56, 5.8, 6.5, 7.62 - DMS - Zafir - T5 Vest - Any and ALL tasers - Pistols, Stings, MX, MXM, SPAR, MK1, LIM ( not MAR10 tasers tho) - Pilot Coveralls
  9. man gotta make a living too lmaoooo!!!!!!!
  10. "Ban Silla" "Silla harms new players" I hate the even comment on this subject again because in March we got shit on sooo much but I have to defend us: We help so many new people. I have had people and even staff members literally bring me new players and we recruit them, help them, show them arma, etc but no one talks about that.... Being one of the current biggest gangs in the most popular city, of course you people are going to blame silla because you only want to see the bad and not the good that comes out of the gang. We have so many positives and some negatives that we need to work on. Depending on the person, almost always we welcome people into the gang or to do something with us like a BW or fed, etc. ( if they are trusting lol ) Crazy thing is, other day we had a new recruit literally win a zafir after being in Silla for like 1 day lmao. But it’s okay though, we are a fair and welcoming gang and always has been so ....if you are a cool person and looking for people to play with, Silla most likely welcomes you.
  11. Support Team - " So this is how you submit a player report..." "There's only so much we can do" " I'm not staff, I am just a support member" Drug Dealer - " Is everyone ready to sell?" " 3, 2, 1, sell!" "Go get cap, we gotta sell!" Terror Attack - " 12 minutes of free mass killing" " "Its not mass RDM, its a Terror Attack!" Courthouse - "Sir, do you have a lawyer?" "The place where most vigis pay off their criminal activities" Staff Event - " The event is full!" "I'm just tryna make top 3" "Free money if you have skill"
  12. RIP Plane Runs 🪦 

    1. Show previous comments  11 more


      oh shit i didnt evne know I downvoted you lol


      Thanks for another post I can downvote tho haha


    3. eknjack


      Your so cool man I wish I was you 

    4. eknjack


      You must be really depressed if you spend your time thinking you are cool by downvoting posts ahahah neck retard Screenshot_4.png

  13. do illegal runs as a gang, if you are solo, do legal runs like silver or copper
  14. dont do banks at night

  15. 2014 Olympus is so different . Seems like times were just more simple back then...and everyone wanted to be cop lmao so wholesome
  16. just got accepted to the apd! 😃🐷

  17. do u like my profile picture?

    1. Jeffey


      @ivyI liked corpse bride a lot more  tbh.

  18. lvy


    5.8 for 450k?
  19. We recruited like 20 ish people last month who we helped out and they are now probably better then half your fucking gang lmao. You think you know so much about Silla but you know nothing like most people. Silla has super experience people and some who aren't experience. Side note, you seem to under estimate how fuckin fun it is to be in kav killing cops and RPing with people. I would o7 if all i did was be a toxic cartel fighter or a gang that only does runs, see ya in kav buddy
  20. We get posts like yours every week lmao, no one is salty
  21. @Shadexz damn how many post you goin make in a row?

  22. we literally are the only biggest relevant gang on Olympus atm, we are the worst and the best gang around "
  23. hahhahah domestic terrorist group.... i like it. watch ur back medics
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