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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by TapTap

  1. I love living rent free in some random 3rd world country guys head. I don't even got to post anymore and they still tagging me -The show goes on
  2. The show goes on.

  3. @ KermitZooicide These guys need some epals in their life.
  4. @ Mako has to have sex to have sextapes...
  5. o7 Hawkie poo 😞 I didn't even know I was gone. Text me when you get your hair cut

  6. @ Doc Happy birthday!!!

  7. @ Grandma Gary Sie weiß
  8. Olympus Map Designer Applications We're currently looking to fill some Map Designer positions for Olympus. These positions will be starting at the role of "Contributor." If you're interested in applying for the role please read below and submit an application in the support section of the forums under "Developer/Designer Applications" and select the desired position. Those who have applied previously are welcome to re-apply. We highly suggest putting good effort into your application. Please remember if work examples are not presented, then your application will be denied. Contributors: Introductory role to the team so that new members can get acclimated to the workflow, develop and display their skills. Contributors are not seen as staff. They are not invited to staff meetings and do not see rewards to the degree that staff do. However, they do receive rewards for their work and are expected to maintain a level of activity. Basic concepts of Eden Editor should be understood to a moderate degree. They are not expected to act as staff, however, they are expected to act with maturity. Designers: Introduce new ideas for map design to improve and balance gameplay and accommodate events or features added by the development team. Designers are seen as staff members. They are invited to staff meetings, seen as staff on the directory and within the game, have staff perks, generous rewards, and significant payouts. However, Designers are expected to create and contribute more to the map. They should be well versed in Eden Editor and basic concepts should be understood fully. They are also expected to act as staff. Requirements: 17+ Years of Age (exemptions can be made, however, there is a level of maturity expected) Basic knowledge of Eden Editor (Link) Must be creative Must be able to complete monthly tasks assigned to them and worthy of being implemented into the server Preferences: A competitive player that understands ArmA combat, especially on Olympus Experience with the Olympus Community Experience with the Olympus ArmA servers Good Reputation on Olympus including ban history An active member of the Olympus Community (ex: in-game and on the forums) When submitting your applications please provide a couple designs in an imgur link. A good idea of a few designs to make for your application is a Police HQ, a Rebel, a Field, and a Processor. Please be sure to get creative as possible and display a concept knowledge of how combat would play out. (i.e taking into account cops v rebels) As a contributor we are looking for you to be able to have a working understanding, not to be a master of everything. Applications should be submitted as a "Developer/Designer Application" under the support tab. Ensure that you include as many work examples as you can in your application as they are heavily used to gauge your skills and knowledge. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to any Senior Design Member.
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    1. WALT


      These are the advertisements we need. 👏

    2. notsodank


      Good work TapTap, you are my hero! 

    3. NokiaStrong


      Turn your gang into a staff gang with this one simple trick!

  9. @ WALT  @ Masonn  You both now have the ability to create good change in the server. Hopefully y'all do good. However, only time will tell. Good luck

  10. o7 Thank you for everything you did, realest admin out there. You were the last chance for real change, good change.

  11. Crazy how words can get you demoted.

    If were setting the standard here...


    Maybe don't have a guy also telling people to off themselves leading the charge.

    @ Ryan @ Grandma Gary  @ Winters

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. TapTap
    3. Space Ranger

      Space Ranger

      ^^^ got make another mark on the wall to see if you've grown bud, maybe puberty will find you one day @ Mako

    4. Tyronee


      @ Mako  I'm always confused so don't judge

  12. Doordashing Taco Bell at 4am just hits diff 

  13. Congrats @ KermitZooicide ! Welcome to the senior support team! 

  14. I will miss you my friend, take it easy. o7 and good luck
  15. Happy fourth of July! @ Winters  @ Masonn  @ Zeuse  AND ANY OF YOU OTHER TEA DRINKERS. 🦅6c066b985c8b52b29be56b0b43555da2.png


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. YakGod


      We’re is my @ u ape 

    3. TapTap


      @ YakGod  You're an honorary American. ❤️ 

    4. YakGod


      Yay I can now own a gun 😂

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