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The Antichrist

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Status Updates posted by The Antichrist

  1. Scheduled Releases This Week:

    1. Victim of a Simp  (The made for tv movie based on the events that led to the false banning of The Sovereign)
    Starring:  @ Marcus @ Teddy_ ,That Bald Bitch whose name I forgot, and @ The Antichrist

    2.  Furkiller (A biographical work about @ Big Boss Fredo  and his campaign against the APD)
    Starring:  @ Big Boss Fredo  @ Element_  @ Rexo

    3.  Staff Meeting:  Episode 1
    An ongoing sitcom that takes place during staff meetings.  
    Starring:  @ Rexo  @ Marcus  @ Milo  @ Diamond  @ Fraali

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Antichrist

      The Antichrist

      You bring this shit on yourself retard, and then you start crying and screaming... and then they send me the videos of it.  It's a cycle I've come to enjoy, but it's one you always have had the power to end.

    3. proud


      40 years old, supposedly quit the server, went on a cry baby spree on a post, and is gonna make a news podcast on an arma 3 server. i do not believe you are happy with life.

    4. The Antichrist
  2. Olympus Drama video within the hour.  Censor if you're gay.

    1. Teddy_


      Where's the video, inb4 censored, we need to know the truth!

    2. The Antichrist

      The Antichrist

      Delay from copyright issues.  

    3. Teddy_


      oh rip, will be waiting, kinda curious ngl

  3. So after another round of @ proud being weird and obsessed, I told him I'm going to post a video of him singing and dancing in a skirt.  

    Now instead of what a normal person would think ("she's using more AI tools") he's now screaming and raging that I'm doxxing him.   That would mean a video like that exists.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Antichrist

      The Antichrist

      @ Boovin apparently according to his own friends he had an incident involving a 13 year old he followed into the bathroom.

    3. The Antichrist

      The Antichrist

      Guess he was tryna share his vibes.

    4. Noble


      @ Boovin The TNM program seems to be doing wonders for you, impressive stats!

  4. Shit's MakoLife now.  

  5. You were right.  We do need to collab.  

    1. The Antichrist
    2. The Antichrist

      The Antichrist

      Who's our first target?

    3. thor


      some onlyfans type collab shi?

  6. @ milos inflated dev2 ego  your shit has gotten stale.  You used to make funny videos but now you just say the n word hoping to shock people.


    We should collaborate and make something good.

    1. Lucien


      You should gun his hawk in the next kce tage

    2. The Antichrist

      The Antichrist

      With my 10 fps missing everything while he calls me the n word until the apd down it.

  7. I express my sincerest regrets to staff for the post where I tagged every staff member at once that got copied and used to do the same by others.   I legit regret creating that scenario.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Antichrist

      The Antichrist

      This is sincere and not trolling.  I did it once as a joke and I've seen like it like 7 times and I dead ass regret regret it


    3. BadserverBadPlayersl
    4. The Antichrist

      The Antichrist

      @ hawkg you're hurting them if anything.  Try annoying them with logic and examples they can't dodge...like others that have been unbanned in less time under the same circumstances.

  8. HB @ AmericanWaffle !  Give us more top tier content please!

    1. AmericanWaffle


      should i cook one up?

  9. Ahh CC meetings.  The one day everyone remembers TS exists and it's populated with people other than cops medics.

    1. SPBojo


      whats ts

    2. Ajax


      transsexual... c'mon @ SPBojo  this ain't new news

  10. Happy Birthday.  I got you a slave.  His name is... Actually nm hes your call him what you want to.

    1. Mudiwa


      thank you sov, ill always take another dwarf 

  11. I've done it godamnit.. I've done it.  1000 titan hits.

    1. Noahhh!


      Congratulations. Pretty badass if you ask me.

    2. Angela


      That's my sovvy you bad bitch ! 

  12. Happy Birthday @ Rufus !   Smoke some meth for me!

  13. Happy birthday @ proud .  I hope your brother gives you something special!

    1. silton


      I mean its both their birthdays hopefully one of them gets lucky!!!!

    2. The Antichrist
  14. Happy Birthday... may your vdm accuracy be true, and your rdm victims not recording ❤️

    1. Boovin


      Thanks chief this isn’t my real birthday but I appreciate the kind words regardless 💯 in this hellhole 

  15. So hear me out.  There's a picture of you with one of the island boys.... who are twins who have kissed on camera.   Is that really the best look for you right now?

    1. BadserverBadPlayersl


      that joke has already sailed sov u are a little too lat e

    2. Legendary
    3. proud



      bro you need to step outside you overweight faggot loser, 15 hours in one day holy fuck your parents failed their job.

  16. I have some disturbing news that will leave you shook on account of your new title banner.

    Also, Come as you are is played out.  Plateau woulda been a better choice boomer.

  17. The news cycle moves so fast and public attention is so easily pulled one way or the other, but I think it's important that we never ever forget... @ Rexo  ate a horse once. 

    R.I.P. Buttercup, you didn't deserve that. 

  18. You 2mb file size limit that you accrued through... Illegitimate means has been removed.  You can now only upload 500k.  This is the first of many minor attacks that will come for you until you stop being a dick.  We've been friends forever skateezy, but I won't hesitate to destroy you like this piece by piece until you relent and remember that. 

    1. The Antichrist

      The Antichrist

      House simping is no way for a man to live.  Metroboomins dick is no place for a man of your stature to sit. 

  19. For the record.. I've compared and reviewed evidence... and cross checked a few things based on claims.   @ Rexo   is 100% innocent of the claims made against him.  

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. stayclaxxy


      Oh thank god you got to the bottom of this, Sov! I wasn't going to sleep at night until I knew you got to the correct answer! (In all seriousness, good on you for keeping innocent until proven guilty a thing, 🙂 )

    3. The Antichrist

      The Antichrist

      I would have had the sharpest pitchfork if not.  

    4. The Antichrist

      The Antichrist

      "We can't have mad girls crying wolf every time they get mad at an admin. " @ Lea   Right?  Just call them hitler  like a normal person.

  20. getalife.png

    1. proud


      no way ur calling anyone a nerd when ur life consists of 10 hour work shifts and 6 hour forum shifts

      you go get a life nerd, maybe some fucking friends will help too

    2. Ebzekro


      Thanks for reminding me. I don't log on the forums that often, but when I do, I always gotta make sure to downvote your schizo ass posts. 

    3. Ebzekro


      Dont worry @ proud  , she just needs this community to distract herself from her life and think she's important. People gotta cope somehow lolol. I mean who the fuck stops playing a game because they're pissed off at staff, yet spends all day on the forums regardless. Sov, you should run for politics with your self entitlement. 

  21. @ hawk  What do you say of the allegations that you aren't voluntarily stepping down, but have been ousted for not being gay enough?

    1. hawk


      That’s pretty accurate, if you ain’t gay you cant be staff effective August 2nd, 2023

  22. Had a girl over and she asked why I had a folder named Hitler opened, and I explained to her that I called a guy hitler for not comping a ghawk properly when a combat store occurred on a milsim rp server.. and I think I'm just gonna lie about stuff like that in the future. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. -dante-


      @ LULA 2022 - PT 13 funny you say that, I was interviewing for a promotion (the one I got that led to me stepping down) and during the interview he wanted examples of managerial type of experience. I leaned heavily on my military experience, being a platoon leader etc but I also mentioned managing an online community and the roles, handling reports, creating and managing sheets with Google sheets, docs etc. I got the position. lol. Olympus experience actually taught me a lot about managing employees from a documentation standpoint and helped a good bit. But I still would never recommend anyone ever mention it in an interview lmao


    3. Nick Carraway
    4. Not Skateezy -Don't Ban-

      Not Skateezy -Don't Ban-

      @ Dante

      It's really simple.

      You just put that you worked for "Olympus Entertainment" in a gaming entertainment role on your resume.

      You managed customer expectations and employees.

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