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Jaeger Mannen

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Status Updates posted by Jaeger Mannen

  1. The Tree never dies. It goes to sleep until the time is right. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Decimus


      just let the tree die

    3. Drippp


      Gets worse everytime, dunno how that’s possible

    4. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      @Jaeger Mannen homie, I love you, but the the great tree has died, and since turned into toilet paper to help with this Corona outtage 

  2. Fuck your Gods! Merry Treemas!

    1. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou


    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      All Hail The Mother Tree!

  3. #FreeNotabanana 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nuski


      #FreeNuski #ForgiveNuski 

    3. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen


    4. Raine


      Only real OG members will remember reindeer he was a legand rip


  4. Armed Qilins at go-kart shop?

  5. Ohh Olympus. Your Updates. POTP returning...

    Bring back BurBan, add AKs and city banks to rob, and I won't be able to stay away..

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jonas


      Oldschool BurBan are washed, they could be good if they brought some new members.

    3. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      Good point.. I just miss Stealths abilities and tactical Organizing. The dude would set up ambushes I haven't see done since..

  6. To TreePD... or Not To TreePD... 

  7. Happy Mother's Day @TheGreatTree !

  8. @Dezree DONT DO IT, Dez! Don't get old! I'm there and it's Terrible! Ugh... My knees hurt typing this :(

    1. Maze


      HNNGG. I feel old. x.x But thanks!

  9. I guess it's time for something different... I guess it's time for something New... Decisions, Decisions, Decisions...

  10. Where.... is ... my Cartel tab on the Stats page... Most Muff-Scum ever.

  11. @Orgondo Happy Birthday, Son. Your mother and I, pitched in for a haircut and a free beard trim for you. Please...

    1. Jaeger Mannen
    2. Orgondo


      Thanks Dad! But I'm just going to spend that money on drugs and alcohol, love you!

  12. I think enough is enough. The people that play this server everyday all week have voiced their opinions and it's time to get the ball rolling on the MK+1, RCOs, and more clothing for civs! 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. GhostFace
    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Defibs coming 2079!

    4. rush


      Well, time to hope for Big towers coming back 3000!

  13. Have they returned?! Is it real?!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      Could just be one of their many million minions come on for the first time in a while.

    3. Jaeger Mannen
    4. 9RIC TH9 L9G9ND

      9RIC TH9 L9G9ND

      even those washed up players can wipe your gang jaeger LOL :)

  14. Can we pretty fucking please with a cherry-tree on top get better VOIP in game?! The current voice range is literally without exaggeration: 3fuckingmeters...

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Is this sidechat? Hands up or die? 

    3. ComradeGoonie


      Appeals of course. I wouldn't have access to tickets.


      Or maybe I have...:ph34r:

  15. Never forget this Top Tier Player

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      Reading your guys comments is giving me a headache.. Your comments rusty are still as cringeworthy as they were a year ago in this Thread: 


      Cake, Your comments are as cringe-worthy as when you try to convince people that your sister your g/f...


    3. Ham


      Maybe Jaegar is an aquatic plant, would explain why he is friends with a squid :)

      But, I'm still trying to figure out the whole Cake's sister thing. Not saying it's true (probably just banter) but I want to know the story. :KappaHD:

    4. Thomas Blinder

      Thomas Blinder

      I find it funny that you guys are insulting @Jaeger Mannen, he hasn't done anything besides be a good person. I know some tree members can be dicks sometimes, but their cool get over it that hes better than you.. Why insult him that hes like 50? If I was 50 I'd be playing this fucking game to damn right! Also @Rusty come on man insulting people just cause he has 266 followers? Really? I wish I had 266 followers I have 2.. Anyway the point of this reply is to tell you guys to stop fucking with Jaeger. Thanks bye.

  16. Went from 300k to 3.3mil in just an hour(Shout out to MC). It's good to be back.


    - All Hail The Great Tree -

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen


      ( ͡↑ ͜ʖ ͡↑) Leaves olympus to dodge corporal eval ( ͡↑ ͜ʖ ͡↑)

      Ummm yeah no- I left Olympus before you guys started doing corporal Evals. I would've loved to have been given a Corporal Eval, honestly. It's not like I didn't know what I was doing.




  17.  #FreeRaindeerKitten2015

  18. APD Patrol Officer and Above Pilot coveralls or RIOT. 

  19. For the Love of God! Can we please Upgrade these servers. To hell with Server 3- We have a nice population going now but they won't stick around when everyone is desync'ing and teleporting and lagging out. 

    1. Thomas


      They need some donations to keep them fatty frames high

    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary


      Server seems fine to me.

    3. Nick5523
  20. Go home olympus, I'm drunk

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      No! Sober down! Thanksgiving is gone now!

  21. No one has more TS tags than me.. Get Jaeger'd Olympus. 


    1. Isaac Newton

      Isaac Newton

      Now all you need is a mod/admin tag :D

    2. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      That's coming, don't worry.

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Too many tags you say?  I accept that challenge.

  22. Happy Thanksgiving Olympus. Praise the Tree for giving us the fruits to stuff our turkeys with. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tman15tmb


      Who the hell stuffs their turkey with fruit?

    3. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      Apples adds moisture and sweetness to turkey. So does onions but that shit doesn't grow on trees...

    4. Tman15tmb


      That explains why my Turkey is always dry..

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