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Everything posted by Lea

  1. 🧁 Yay! People got things! 


  2. It's probably past my bed time
  3. Miss you, birthday twin! 🧁🧁🧁

  4. Happiest of Birthdays my dear friends, @ Mighty  and @ Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup ! 🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁

  5. Happy Birthday @ Claysive ! 🧁

  6. Women drivers am I right?!Β πŸ€£πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

  7. 🧁Happy Birthday @ xsmitherz !!🧁

  8. Happy Birthday @ Vixen ! Miss you so much! We need to put together another car show!! 🧁🧁

  9. Happy Birthday @ Welshy ! 🧁🧁

  10. Lea

    o7 - Noble

    Life's hard take a few cupcakes for the road!
  11. Happy Birthday @ MAV !🧁

  12. Lea

    Bye Bye APD

    You know.. The APD is not for everyone! Bummer we never got a chance to play together much, but I did appreciate every time you rescued me as a hostage. Gaming is about having fun and if it's not fun, you're doing it wrong. Go enjoy having fewer responsibilities. Here's a few cupcakes for the road
  13. Lea

    End of an Era

    Real life is hard shit. Take a cupcake
  14. Congratulations @ maxg ! 🧁

  15. On behalf of Olympus, I bestow upon you Olympus's highest reward, ! Please enjoy responsibly! HUZZAH! To our champion, @ Peapay !
  16. 🧁 Congrats! 

  17. Happy Belated Birthday @ WALT ! 🧁🧁🧁🧁

  18. Happy Birthday @ Mako ! 🧁🧁

  19. Happy Birthday @ Brandyn ! I hope you are somewhere enjoying chips with your queso!Β 

  20. Maybe use a cord wrap, not sure but I thought I read about bite-proof cord wrap for issues like this
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