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Everything posted by Froger

  1. 4 Olympus players in top 20 in summer skirmish all on different teams lmao https://gyazo.com/3b6d7a23df2e0f35544a33601d498f7e

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. maxg


      27 minutes ago, Kamikaze said:

      zexrow fuzzy and who else?


    3. RogueMK
    4. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      You forgot symfunny

  2. I got invited to the fortnite summer skirmish:D


  3. anyone know how much you make an hour doing excavation?

    1. Justi


      No real answer. You can get robbed so it depends on the person.

  4. If anyone has this on server 1 I'll buy
  5. https://gyazo.com/8a2386044435a19b1fcb301209083127 I looked at my other monitor and then that happened...

  6. I’ll do 4 mil are you on
  7. pm offers
  8. are you still selling it and for how much?
  9. what he said
  10. Apparently now you have to "ask" to fight cartels or it's roaching wtf LOL and if they move all the cartels back into warzone again it'll be good again
  11. right next to sofia rebel 10 mil
  12. please bring back old cartels https://gyazo.com/173fa6c5ed468311733ef13804d640ba

    they were something like that

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Froger


      Listen bud, I don't remember exactly but those were the cartel spots i think or something like that but still the cartels were good like that.

    3. Fushigi


      Im just saying your markers are off BY A BIT

    4. bigPat


      Id like to know the reason for it not being this way. I know things were changed for a reason, but maybe its time to change back.

  13. Please put the market back to how it used to be this is horrible moonshine has been at 7 k the past 5 hours

  14. why would anyone want that...
  15. Froger


    Rex is a good guy why is everyone so toxic
  16. Coming back with my bambino squad - ZexRow

  17. what happened to non-donors get access to house inventory? hmm

  18. Feel bad for chopping djdarkmunk's Mohawk and would take it back if I could but about every car I've lost has been from mc while it was locked... Which if they don't show mercy why should I.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dustin87


      Zexrow is just mad that when he left NW he wasnt allowed to join MC....

    3. babooshka


      i think everyone should make a status update when they chop someone's vehicle from now on kek

    4. Froger
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