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Everything posted by Orgondo

  1. he can be out on bond while awaiting trial/the feds building a case.
  2. Good luck with this. Sr. RnR wanted to strangle me when I tried to get Y inv added to the crate. Now you can even refill mags which shocked me.
  3. Wait you were still around? o7 i suppose. I’m back in Illinois so next time I go to the Castle you are showing up bitch boy
  4. I have 1 tapped more people in the fucking toes than square in the head. This game is absolutely dogshit so you will never have accurate results.
  5. Why do I have to redownload the mission file everytime I log into S1?

  6. Actually insanely fun event. Good Job. Almost held 3rd the whole time with just 4 people, until DB brought out the fucking Huron lolol

  7. Jfc the Fed buffs since I quit are insane. Fucking 10 weight and 29k sell price when I spammed them daily. Y’all got it so fucking nice now.

    1. Linka


      Orgondo and linka best duo

  9. 200 Rockets in 4 hrs can lead to some fun. 


  10. My boy Telsa dropping the fire from our recent wipe on Rustafied.

  11. Damn, those must of been some fire ass nudes

  12. Orgondo


    If you aren’t BBC Cheese, you don’t matter.
  13. Ayyyy Happy Birthday boii have a great one! @EatMeth

  14. It’s called I quit almost 2 years ago and there is 0 leadership left in the gang now lol. I took over in 2015
  15. Y'all upped the Gold Bar sell price again... Because there isn't even money in the economy already lol. Civs go nuts

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Camel Joe

      Camel Joe

      Well you can’t even sell it them without getting a big fat kick

    3. Strikke


      4 hours ago, maxg said:

      Pretty sure they did it so civs have more incentive to do feds

      Civs already have enough money tho

    4. Orgondo


      People aint doing Feds because they aint fun. Money doesnt change that

  16. Orgondo


    Throwback for real OGs
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