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Everything posted by Snare


    1. platinumfire
    2. Snare


      GOAT Squad For the real Gangstas

  2. This server is far more PVP focused than RP and a lot of the members in the community don't really care for a real "RP session" Personally I only RP if I'm on cop and would never do it on civ because I'm here for fighting as is a pretty decent percentage of the community. Well then again as there haven't been many fights lately maybe everyone is RPing But on the serious side when I say fighting I'm not even talking necessarily cartel fighting but robbing scatting and everything else really isn't for a great RP experience it's to take stuff from other people... Now in response to this sentence "because the cops are just civs who want infinite OP loadouts with no charge against them for dying and rushing back in :D." That is definitely not true. the Cop loadout is horrible unless you are an SAPD member. MX/MXM/Sting vs any decent player with a 7.62 should never win out. a civilian basically always has a cop Lt.+ Loadout and there is onlyyyy what? like 14 of those and their hardly ever on. SGT still is worse than your average civ. All of your stats about how cop gear is buffed is fake news as well. In the end, if I was simply playing to get kills I would much rather be on civ then on cop.
  3. Did fighting straight up die again or have their been fights lately?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BlackJack


      11 minutes ago, Snare said:


    3. DeadPool


      OG shine it's fun when you fight only there 99% of the time. 

  4. G horn is still very very quiet @Jesse

    1. Snare


      Yeah hardly used so not worth a hotfix :P 

    2. Orgondo


      There's a G horn??..... #LongestDEPUTY

  5. My boy zhs is still permed for racism and toxicity 11 months later shouldn't half this community be banned then?

  6. see ya later mate guess I won't have to look for roaches as hard
  7. @Goodman aye aye aye aye... watchout bois another vx rat got admin... 2 now @Talindor

    1. Snare


      oh and @Isaac Newton grats you deserved for long time.

  8. medics basically all of them who got banned in the dupe wave I like.
  9. this is Olympus forums not twitter.
  10. Free Regicide fighting has been so boring since they have been gone.


    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Snare


      NLR probably not perm IMO considering the majority of the server breaks everyday. @Superiorr

      I'm not trying to get him unbanned or anything or even know what else went into the circumstances around that ban I just thought it was funny that his ban message was just NLR.

    3. Lucki


      Conan the Destroyer was also permed for NLR. He broke NLR by falling out of a helicopter right in front of an Admin who had lethaled him a few minutes earlier... 

      Not the first, not the last.

  12. Apparently helis now kill people if you land on them and don't spangle them. might need to be fixed :o

    1. Dangus


      Snare - VDM - Perm

      lol, that would suck getting squashed.


    2. J O E

      J O E

      Apparently helis explode if server got nuked

  13. Free my boy phizx. He neva do nuthin' again!

    Free my boy cake. he didn't do nuthin!

  14. Natsirt says that he will kill himself if I get P.O before him please promote me quickly so we can have one less rat in this community.

    -Sincerely Snare 

    1. Natsirt


      What do u mean sir, i'm confused

    2. Orgondo
  15. They really broke helicopters @Fuzy would hate it.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ozzy Jones

      Ozzy Jones

      The way the camera tracks them in 3rd person is weird now. The camera angle changes to stay aligned with the axis of the body of the heli and it's really annoying.

    3. Fuzy


      @Ozzy Jones Kinda like the plane? They changed the camera on that too a while back, dunno if you've tested it, but if it's like the plane that's fucked.

    4. Ozzy Jones

      Ozzy Jones

      Yeah it's like they tried to optimize the plane camera but really broke it for the helis in the process.

  16. Snare


    completely missed this <3 fam forever.
  17. Why does somebody who has just recently joined the server (Apache) get a 14 day and an alt perm for ban evading but when cake a longtime player ban evades he gets perm???

    1. Garrett


      Yeah and I'm still banned :(

  18. I just accidently doxed myself remaking something for fuzy in a minute

    1. iPopsicle


      Don't you get a perm ban for doxing? :Kappa:

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