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Status Updates posted by Snare

  1. can we move weekend conquest to earlier in the day? thoughts?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mat the w

      mat the w

      @ Jerrod  Brother jerrod I miss you, save me from this ban 

    3. ben-


      Think they unban me and @ mat the w  and it’s fine!

    4. Frato


      no please I wake up at 5pm I cant go earlier

  2. lil status update tage 🤪 mostly just 3ps from yesterday 


  3. https://apemans.com/products/apeman-action-camera-a77 The people deserve the truth. #SaveTheW

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. mrs nesbitt

      mrs nesbitt

      at this point we all need to wear headcams to prove we're not cheating.

    3. Masonn
    4. ThatNerdyGuy


      Save the W, for a second I thought this was a “Save the Date” and we all got invited to a wedding. 

  4. so is it worth me buying this game or no? Like can they make life mods on that platform?

    1. Elements


      i would say wait a week or buy it and fuck around on it till things are made

  5. @ Lucien HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE BEST FTO IN THE APD!!! @ Ryan and the brave man who took a chance and unbanned me 🥰

    1. Ryan


      Ty! 🥰


      Also the unban wasn’t me… but I’ll take it!

    2. Snare


      Eh you sent the ticket response 😛 

  6. you guys should look into hosting through amazon gamelift

  7. image.thumb.png.528c9bd3a3ed199babed2cbb46d3fffb.png

    just saying.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Snare


      clash can go up too I'm just saying like that's a lotta vacant

    3. mrs nesbitt

      mrs nesbitt

      i agree with sgt lucien

    4. Hurricane
  8. Half or quarter time for swat to APD hours? Thoughts?




    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Snare


      I definitely wouldn't make the requirement to get swat lower.

    3. Rafa


      I see what you mean now. Yeah, definitely not. Seems like it would be unnecessarily complicated. If you can’t make 1-2 hours a week on the APD then why should you be apart of SWAT? 

    4. Snare


      Ah true. I easily make times so I was thinking more for totals. I guess it makes sense for people who don't make times tho to not have it like that.

  9. black cap or boonies for o+ cop 🙂 

  10. dpi jumping is a mechanic and should not be bannable thoughts?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Snare
    3. Fraali
    4. Snare


      @ Fraali Go for it, while your at it you mind fixing the bug causing McGregor and Jimmy's ban appeals to get denied. Not to mention truthy and GFs. Lot of work to be done! But if anyone can do it you can! 🥰😘

  11. free callumrae

  12. add tuesday and thursday conquest 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Snare


      I would agree with that if dom and conflict didn't exist

    3. mat the w

      mat the w

      nah that's actually overkill

    4. Millennium


      yeah it would just be the same thing to often, would not make it as fun.

  13. #freetiger he cheated in very old wave and most of waves after him have received unbans. I would argue tiger out of most banned players was one of the largest contributors to the health of the cartel fighting segment community.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ScreaM


      hi snare happy belated birthday from your twin brother

      and sure free @ Tiger very nice guy, sucked at civ 5 though xd

    3. Snare


      @ ScreaM HBBD to you too love

    4. Snare


      @ Dealer not really just the honest truth. 

  14. better faction @ Winters image.png.0f104b80fd6a9edc5f5c5dc3392296b2.png

    1. 3 Rip

      3 Rip

      holy shit lets go dude

    2. Snare



  15. Remember lads, shoot for the stars, that way worst case scenario you will land on the moon.image.thumb.png.b9416871450f1b2ef70dff7aa4ab5c0c.png

    1. mrs nesbitt

      mrs nesbitt

      or you win the $50 giftcard giveaway in discord and get a PC giftcard

    2. torre


      damn im laughing my ass off

  16. Accepting free Olympus money. 

  17. I'll find my way back to you...💔


    1. syndrome


      still waiting for my taru smh

    2. Snare


      @ syndrome any time in the next week hmu


  18. Afternoon BB Chilling on Armed Assault Three https://twitch.tv/snarew0w


    1. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      you will forever be a shitebag still posting this shit here hahaha

    2. Snare
  19. Can we make camping gang base bannable?

    1. doctor doom

      doctor doom

      It’s Big John’s full time job.

  20. All I want for my bday is the doorman back in action #freebiggs.

    1. jig


      https://gyazo.com/c83e68dd1f125dd5fecad03e8540cdae unfortunately though olympus plus does not save you from the mar-10!

    2. Snare


      @ jig I don't like that ;/

  21. 2 days into olympus plus and it's absolutely bussin for me.

    1. Lou844


      IF I get unbanned Olympus+ for life tbh

    2. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Before Olympus+ I was fat, a virgin, and had no life. I’m still all of those things except now I have ifrit skins. Thanks Olympus Staff! 🥳

    3. Noble


      Glad to hear you guys are loving Olympus + 😄. We strive to provide not only the best gaming experience on arma3 but also the best textures! THANKS FOR PLAYING 😄

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