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Everything posted by PJ.

  1. How much longer are we gonna have to deal with this btw?


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. destruct


      It's a base game issue

    3. Civak
    4. SPBojo


      At least on the bright side it appears something is finally attracted to you, congrats! 

  2. PJ.


    I believe @Childish handed it out faster than you can say "Denied" @FrankieTwinkletoes Also o7 my love, hope to see you again. PS Fuck you for ruining our streaks we were doing good.
  3. PJ.

    o7 Boys

    You will truly be missed my King o7 Hope to see you in support callings kids "Dumb Ni***rs" another time
  4. Reckless flying? Seems like someone needs a flight revaluation.
  5. Oh fuck.....
  6. RULES ARE MEANT TO BE PUSHED TO THEIR LIMITS Sorry that we are so humanitarian and CARE about saving people and their kits....... for a small fee that is.
  7. PJ.

    dope crate

  8. Cant believe I didnt even get @'d Hunter. Im disappointed In all seriousness o7 my man I will surely miss you, due to your departure thou the lawsuit will be dismissed.
  9. I hate medics too man. And btw I only have 47 MILLION and I drink Kickstart no g-.fuel
  10. If I make alt accounts and downvote @Outcast do I get extra points?
  11. -1 Cant wait to get warning shot in Kavala and never be able to land there
  12. @Sandman Watch your back kid.

  13. Whos the whitest and whos the darkest? We need to know.
  14. PJ.


    I always had a feeling you were gonna do something to get yourself perm'd. Best of luck.
  15. Will be waiting on confirmation in the group chat, don't worry I don't think @Cooper:P will rat on you to the feds
  16. Dont worry, I would rather have a defibrillator above me on the chain of command than Richard.
  17. Congrats @Bunny We need more furry representation on Sr. R&R.

  18. I just want this update to come out already so I can start pissing on dead people's corpses before I revive them

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Millennium


      22 minutes ago, Soulz said:

      I already arrested a medic for pissing on my car so watch out 🙂

      I'll make sure to pee on every single car of yours

    3. ThatNerdyGuy


      Didnt know they added jellyfish to Olympus!

  19. I didnt even know this was possible....


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Claysive


      1 minute ago, Cale said:

      real coords would have let him die and just revive him again 

      100 percent 

    3. Millennium


      7 minutes ago, Cale said:

      real coords would have let him die and just revive him again 

      you gotta make the most money you possible can lmao

    4. Richard


      Real coords wouldn’t even be on the ground getting revives.  Fuckin rookie

  20. All these tags are turning him sassy, someone take them away pls.
  21. Congrats @SquirrelSensei and @SystemChips at least now we have people to actually train all these damn deputies. 😄


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