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R&R Medic
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Status Replies posted by PJ.

    1. PJ.


      Is that what that mumbling brit said? All I heard was word salad coming outta his mouth...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  1. whoever thought it was funny to take my admin tags not cool

    1. PJ.


      This is why you don't get on @destruct bad side


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. When you footpush 5 retards and kill em all 😩





  3. there are 168 hours in a week and 2 people have more than 100 hours played on civ this week how the fuck do you even do that

  4. ce211a6e56b5cf070b154922d2946fc1.gif

    1. PJ.


      Thank you for destroying my heli 😤. Im reporting you to the nearest APD station for speeding btw....

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  5. some of these staff really be on that powertripping shit. they cant handle a more alpha personality in the server so they ban them for no reason and tell them to go fuck themselves when they ask for evidence.

  6. Skip to 6:20 (My trim shit is broken)


    1. PJ.


      So this is why you cant get corporal back.... I see

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  7. About fucking time @SPBojo

    1. PJ.


      He probably ruined his credit score taking out loans to donate, this is the least we could do for him 😕

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

    1. PJ.


      Actually its working the opposite.... @Zahzi specifically programmed it to fly into your Medic helicopter, not away. Obviously this needs some rework...

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  8. Maybe the Buccaneers are going to be the Patriots this year.

    1. PJ.


      If my Buccs cant even make it to the playoffs this year then their hopeless. Might as well burn Tampa down and start one in Orlando.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. I'm loving all the floating cars and cars  that attack you in this new update.  🙂



    1. PJ.


      Devs prob implanted magnets into all these cars. smh


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. zzzzzzzzzzz im snoring here


    1. PJ.


      I swear have all the Admins come down with the rona, they're slacking lately.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  11. When the server just restarted my 2 striders went POOF, not in my garage not on my keychain, please fix.

    1. PJ.


      I had a Quillin go poof one time before restart, don't know what happened to it at all. Restart comes still not in my garage so I buy another one. Next day when I hop on I got 2 Quillins in my garage. Who tf wrote all this bum ass code?

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  12. We will be enforcing a strict support only in support channels as it has become a clear problem that other members of the community tags that allow them to join support rooms have joined on multiple occassions causing more trouble than helping to resolve the issue. Going forth if a non support member joins an active support case you will be allowed to move them out or ask them to leave, if they don't, feel free to bring this up to a sr support member, we will take it to the corresponding faction lead where they will discipline said member.

    1. PJ.


      Does this apply to staff members of any kind or will nerdy always be loitering in the channel playing Madden

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  13. Due to recent events only moderators and admins aswell as senior devs/designers will be able to do support cases without a support team member present.

  14. 6 day


    1. PJ.


      I remember back in like 2015 you could get away with anything as long as you're not ruining other peoples fun. This breaks my heart.

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

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