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Everything posted by Theak

  1. So, I did a thing....!
    Deputy Theak Reporting for Duty

    1. Geralt of Rivia
    2. Darren Nsonowa
    3. Theak


      its kinda nice to be back to be honest... teamspeak keeps crashing though.. never had this issure... and its only with olympus... any idears


  2. When the texture bug issues was real bad back in the day I parked a helmet next to meth pro and the pallet glitched and flipped and blew up the helmet almost into a tempest. Worst day ever.
  3. I didnt know gang wars were held on the forms this round. xd
  4. Cartel reward: Gang members who hold said cartel get to process said drug faster. Have a script verifying the cartel owners and match it to the processing drug area. Give the first 3 gang members a higher cut for taking the cartel.
  5. Random Death Monkeyz Hands up or be killed by RDM Bauahahah
  6. 100% agree. And I just had my rant saying damn near the same stuff. MC was what held gang life together because people would team up against us to get their dicks pushed in xd This sounds like an excuse to eat tide pods my dude. Let's cater to the stupid so they can have fun while running off the good players. I thought thats what asylum was for.
  7. the best houses are near pro
  8. Side Note:
    For the team-speak issue i just changed my nickname to Theak but my profile name is still Mr. Theak. that was teh only way i could get it to work. so in the olypous ts is theak (Mr. Theak)     so i still get my special character ;)@Ignis ;) i was told this was your call lol

    ( i have to do it this way btw or i just cant be apart of the ts for now)

  9. Thus another vigi was created.
  10. Close cap the apd hqs o that was too OP for rebels so that didnt get implemented for long now did it.
  11. While "On-Duty" Taxi drivers may not partake in hostage taking or robbing others.

    so what about hostage transport, if i get contracted to transport 2 people and one of them is a hostage is that ok?

  12. LOL ill answer a few questions about me.

    am i illierate... absolutly i messspell stuff all the time. is my grammer godly absolutly

    i use speak to text when driving, i deliver stuff for a living, and i really dont go back to look at it to fix it.. its broken english but im not hen peckin the screen just to misspell stuff anyway.

    my points come across and thats all that matters

    do i accually help people, all the time.  while i do give out money here and there i think that is like feeding the hungry person instaid of teaching them how to fish. id rather gear up someone and show them how to do it themselves ... so thats what i do.

    do i gather items and let new people get a good cut. yes   if i have extra of something ill give them a load or 2 and then have them start compensating me after they have made a good chunk themselves.

    do i teach how to rock glitch and all that hell no. 

    if you need help will i help you. send me a pm but dont try to lie. i can easily check you uid and your history so... ill know immidiatly if your just trolling.

    do i play other mods. yes i play king of the hill alot, the code4gaming servers are great and not in a lawsuit like the hostle takover servers taht just lost the rights to the new koth stuff.

    Direct Threat has a few servers going like custom liberation and atnitifa servers the lib one has rhs but its not manditory so you can still join vinilla. they are wanting to expand and try other game mods out as a group.

    i do stop into nak's invade and annex, i tried out the bro unit i&a but they took stuff away because they coulndt handle trolls ... i dont think that server is up anymore... thats what happens when you blame the gun not the person ;)

    im a support person that loves to fly the helis around. im an ok shot.

    i havent given the taxi system a go but thats kinda a silly mecanic... i mean its great if you need a handycap of not being able to get robed like the medics. but i dont fully know all the rules with them... so eh.. i might give that a go just to be able to say i did..... does anyone know if you can slingload as a taxi driver cause i could make that work


    other than that.. i am getting into wow a bit 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Orgondo


      Literally 100% with Bojo, fuck off. PS: You are all dogshit at WoW

    3. Theak


      buahaha you guys are awesome. what server

      im a warlock demonology blood elf .. for the hord!

      i cant remember the server my buddies had me join, ill look later.

      i just hit the leagon content

      and to be far i say allittle bit and we have already another computer runing wow at all times now too and we have 2 accounts now.

    4. Ryan Beck

      Ryan Beck

      I been grinding rep since bfa came out amd already got voldun moumt 

  13. so for this team speak no special character business, i was gonna try getting on but it wont let me .. i changed my damn name to conform the stupid restriction and i still can't get in.
    why should i have to change something to be able to join, i wonder how many new players cant even get in because of that. i have to reset 4 other teamspeak channels for this one... might just say feck it this time i dont really need it but its just one more frustrating thing that is unnecessary. why isolate the teamspeak like this...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Theak


      it was mr. theak

      i changed it to theak and it says im still permed for special character.... why would you blame the symbols... is the ban button broken thats like coping-out blaming the gun.... thats sad and lazy work guys.... idk... i had 2 friends from a group DT i play with try to join and they couldnt and immidately responded with what a junk system. you just put that distast in 2 players gaming experiance and they didnt even manage to get on the server..... that should say volumes for some kid trying to join after playing and in need of help. 

      I took the . out for mr theak i changed it to just theak
      it says theak in the other ts servers.  

      maybe someone just permed me and left it that way.. i did change it before and i got on. but i had to change it back for other stuff i was doing. as would anyone else that does mutil server stuff. 

      i had to change it in different channels because of permiossions and other stuff for other places i play and now that shits messed up... why would anyone want to change their shit around just to get on ts.    

      i never understood why the trolls were allowed to run the server and dictate what is allow and what isnt. 

      get some balls guys.

      otherwise you guys do great. 

      any other advice beside changing my name would be appreciated.

      its still set to theak so ill try again later

      but if it doesnt work im just done with the ts for olympus ... 

    3. -dante-


      PM nexttime youre trying

    4. Theak


      will do thanks, and this ... shitty attiude toword the server isnt on purpous guys i promise, it just seems like its been building up and things are more frustrating than they need to be. ive been around to see alot change. alot of good but its really its emberrising when i go to show a group of 20 to 30 people the game and they cant even see the teamspeak the innital intro to the life mod making them say feck it and not even give it a chance.



    1. ItsGG
    2. Theak


      Why life? Tough question that we obviously no long play for many reason. To answer your question though;

       It was fun getting a group together and basically blowin stuff up. These are just a few glimpses of some random times we had. The mc crew knows how fun some of these time were, and cancerous, but it's the time we had, the experiance we shared.

      This isn't a montage. So while these shots are usually me ninja flanking that doesn't mean the scenario didn't call for some badassery that I didnt put in. Again it's for the mc members that know the struggle of someone ghost spawning in on meth moutain and just shooting or dealing with a camper at moonshine. Or some feck shooting a teammate blowing everything up.

      If you cant relate to anything on this then do you even arma xd?

      I have plenty of footage of me steam rolling people but I dont consider killing people with no skill something to go on about. I'll save that for my koth videos if i do those, were skill is needed to play. (Shooting wise)

      It took time to edit it this way, time I volunteered to edit out most racial stuff and show the behind the run type stuff. It's the least I can do with over 2000 hrs here. 

      So to answer why, ...why at all in the first place. Why ask why?  I know it's not a perfect video, musics great, but that wasn't the point I wanted to get across. Maybe someone will see this and then hmmm... our gang did dumb stuff like this and they now get to reflect on a good old memory instead of something like... feck vigis at cartels and being able to do jail breaks.

  15. MCSD

    Is it like the MCPD that was on altis cause Im in then.
    lol might join up been hearing some good stuff about the server.
    Dont let school starting fool you.

  16. didnt they ddoss because of a ban he didnt agree with or something?
  17. gnank wars are back, Lets hope this one doesnt get all feckered up
  18. Whats your farthest kill?
    mines 1107m and 1106m, 2 kills i got back to back

  19. perm baned form ts for the . in mr.theak
    i have changed the profile name and its still not letting me in.
    a few cops left a guy abandoned for awhile and i cant help him in support. i dont want to just drop the video on the cops and them loose rank.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ryan Beck

      Ryan Beck

      Take those ranks pussy

    3. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      Theak I love you...


      But your forum posts are gramatically frightening.

    4. Theak


      i just found my day one video.
      its very embarrassing, the neeb is strong.
      i think im going to put up a few of these for shits and giggles.
      Ill get two buckets ready.

  20. lol i just have to change the profile... its a question Is that what i have to do
  21. . Mr . Theak Mr. Theak
  22. My gamer name has always been Mr. Theak. so for me to be able to just join Olympus ts i have to change my profile username and take away the ( . ) ?
  23. Did this forced update screw anyone else. i dont have another 17.5 gbs free on my ssd bi! so i guess players like me are just fecked. i really need to see how big this damn games file is now... like 60gb.
    Anyone have  a spare ssd they aren't using?

    1. monster


      yeah b i got a 2tb, but what you should do, is delete some shitter games like gtav r6s, or this really terrible game that likes to take up a lot of space called arma 3

  24. Cleaning up space and i can't make up my mind.
    APD, Civ MC, Medic, what should i make a few videos first.
    I have a few friends that wanted to see that game and i have 3 years of footage.
    Im thinking APD, i even have my training video lol'

  25. you me OS MC is a accual thing buahahah xd No more closest MC's hahahahahh or would it be MCOS, MC-OS ..... hmmm
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