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Everything posted by Loopz

  1. Skyrim
  2. Shut up loser
  3. Yikes. More cringey than my post thanking people @Snare @ScreaM
  4. Bye my boy stay lit homie
  5. Who gives a fuck if my nigga broke the rules these shits r nice +1


  7. Wow we cant leave @Buffalo Bill OUR SECOND APPRECIATED CIV RIP out of the convo
  8. Damn I bet @CmStorm feels retarded now...yikes...should've just left it as a report and not made it public like this bud...
  9. 3 SGT and 4 Corps and you get a strider 











    blackwater machine broke

  10. Because they caught you fair and square and it would make no sense to let a douchebag that quotes rules and post it on the forums go lol
  11. oh lord or maybe....they were fucking with you????? it doesn't take 20 minutes to let someone go xD and rotor tapping isnt VDM. if you think it is then report it but you're not going to get anyone banned.
  12. Happy Birthday @Silton you deserve a raiseImage result for mcdonalds hat


  14. truth
  15. When you wait 20 minutes for a medic and none of them show up because they're scatting Kavala xd and then medics wonder where the hate comes from.  +1 R&R lol

  16. when OS locks @Snare's montage because they got exposed x d 

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. I Am Fuzzy

      I Am Fuzzy

      Free my boy deathsnare. Been playing with him since my first days in Arma. He would never cheat.

    3. Loopz


      Nm2SvLL_d.jpg?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&f OS I GOT EVIDENCE ON JAZZY PERM THIS KID @Jazzy youre fucking done buddy 

    4. silton


      Im done :FeelsBad:cya olympus

  17. @[YF] Blaze please dont spam the forums

  18. maybe Arma 3???? Cause you never play it???? (plz no perm)
  19. The texture bug fix seems to be working like a miracle for me! Thanks for all the awesome new updates devs and admins!

    1. Arigato


      Same for me as well, hotfix works as intended

  20. RP = tell you hands up or die then shoot you in 1.5 seconds
  21. Happy Birthday @Squid ! (ur a mong)

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