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Everything posted by badaim

  1. where did all my pals go ?

  2. see ya later kid. its better this way trust me
  3. whats everyone doing still playing arma

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. andrewfam
    3. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      It’s more of a community than a game. 

    4. K3control


      I try getting on but I just don't enjoy this game at all I seriously don't understand how people are having fun on Olympus 

  4. badaim

    The End

    Even though I don't play I'm gonna miss you bub, you'll have more fun off of this game anyways trust me and obviously we're gonna keep in touch kid :*
  5. Why can't i run in jail, I'm in for 80 minutes I'm trying to burn some calories.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. JAMIE


      9 hours ago, N7Zero said:

      if u press Z and spam X you should be the fastest nigga in jail.

      just don't use this to do something your not supposed to do 

    3. BlackJack


      dad is that you ?

    4. badaim
  6. where are all the cool montages at ?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ItsGG


      literally only coptages now 

    3. buckie


      doesnt exist

    4. Linka


      they stopped after i left

  7. 100K
  8. ENTER
  9. why are my houses being deleted even though i have checked/used them recently, im not the most active but i'd like to keep my houses please.

    1. Fedot


      bc u goota use Y dumb dumb

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. badaim


      @HyperGoat I don't have a 3 crater there are all 4 craters bud.

      @Tman15tmb new players can find houses just not where they want them to be.

      @Josh122 Server 1

    3. Chaos




    4. BlackJack


      give me ur olympus money or give me some ;)

  10. i need someone to plat h1 with 

  11. a40's are cool if you're going to get them buy the one without the mix amp they are a bit cheaper.
  12. anyone have h1z1 kotk skins they wanna trade for csgo skins ?

    1. Danger


      I have a few h1z1 skins, do you have any rocket league skins

  13. sick recruitment dude
  14. probably the cleanest my truck has ever been.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. -dante-


      when the clearcoat is gone, but the tires still look fresh af. Literally my truck. (98 Chevy SIlverado Ext. Cab) Ive even polished the paint to make it look like shiny shit at least.

    3. CommanderSuki


      I would say some turtle wax would make that red beautiful again but that might remove the last of the clearcoat :)

      I want a truck :( shitty country with insane taxes on cars

    4. badaim


      @SPBojo yup a hispanic redneck I have a don't tread on me sticker and a confederate flag I usually fly to make people mad.

      @DanteFleury my truck is a 78' and I want to paint my truck but I don't see a point yet I want to take it in the mud a few more times before I paint it cause then I wont want to mess it up haha.

      @CommanderSuki you can never go wrong with an old Chevy square body the only thing I hate about it is getting it to pass smog.

  15. Hey there, me again just wanted to make sure all of my buds on olympus were having a great Christmas/Christmas eve and I hope Santa gave all of you everything you wished for until next time :*

    1. Grenade65
    2. sleazy turd racoon

      sleazy turd racoon

      santa gave me a new computer 

    3. DeNiaL


      Have a good one pal 

  16. Hey everyone just wanted to check back in to see how all my good buds are doing 

    1. obeymatt


      im still banned


  17. Just wanted to say hello to all the good pals of olympus

  18. Got some crusty boxers

    1. Tman15tmb



      Don't tell Doc.

  19. @Orgondo how are you doing pal ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Orgondo


      Hard to tell who's in what anymore my dude, everyone be hoppin like a rabbit

    3. Orgondo


      When the mods won't let the community banter :( 

    4. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      @badaim is the OG of Los Pollitos. 

      'Nuff said. 

  20. I thought you couldn't get banned for combat log anymore?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Getting revived does not stop engagement between parties. 

    3. Lucki



      3 hours ago, Bubbaloo Burrito said:

      Getting revived does not stop engagement between parties. 

      Then why do I have to yell "APD hands up or be tazed" and then wait for them to react if a criminal gets revived?

    4. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      APD engagements are a bit different. I mentioned the engagement wasn't over because most of the time the fight is still going between the gangs. You can even kill a gang member you are fighting (as civ) without engaging again if you are not close enough to re-engage (when getting revived) i.e 200 meters out. So if you get revived and immediately disconnect you are effectively combat logging if within the 5 minutes of engagement or if it is obvious there is someone there ready to engage you. 

      If you were in a fight and didn't get revived for more than 5 minutes when you get revived you look around you and make sure there is no one around you from the previous engagement and you can disconnect. There are different scenarios but for the most part you should not disconnect immediately after getting revived if within that active engagement time threshold. 

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