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Everything posted by Colt

  1. The rents expensive and my jaw hurts but I finally moved into my loft.


    1. Strikke


      hahaha wtf 10/10

    2. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      shit had me crying

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      I can already hear the vdm ticket being furiously typed.

  2. Who's @Vis

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vis


      Hello, I'm Vis

    3. nicole


      2 hours ago, ryan beck said:

      Thats what im saying anyome and their nan can get corpral nowadays just gotta no life hours 

      Shut the fuck up.

    4. Ryan Beck

      Ryan Beck

      Even you can get it 

  3. I made ur ifrit i hope i get the job as designer @Grandma Gary @Jesse


    1. Caleb Snackbar
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Shes a pure beaut. +1 for Designer

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      I am ashamed to admit how many times I clicked that.

    3. Ryan


      What in the hell, I thought my computer was shitting the bed for  a sec smh

    4. ThatNerdyGuy
  4. All the stuff marked in google doc is just when i remember to put it on there. Fucking gary spawned boats on me 4 times today blew up my house and gang shed. I don't even know how many times i been legged by a zubr today.
  5. This is a tuff one https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yPB1J3q-zIzKHxAc-Iv4UJyMjDGfSEfd402QgK8Mn3Q/edit?usp=sharing
  6. Don't talk shit when your IP is static
  7. We all know who's got my vote https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yPB1J3q-zIzKHxAc-Iv4UJyMjDGfSEfd402QgK8Mn3Q/edit?usp=sharing
  8. Deadpool left because we decided to invest 80mil into Hardcore RP sessions. As for cartels if we can Roleplay at flagpole then yes.
  9. *PSA* Don't buy duped money from someone and USE or Sell it. Cause if you have Money in Gang Funds it will get taken from your Gang Funds as away of removing  duped money from the economy.


    *Figured I'd warn the rest of the community of such mistakes*

  10. Just means more coding for the devs trying to work around those who have multiple skins of the blackfish and because their default skins it's gonna be a lot more of a pain in the ass for it. It's not like their custom skins you can change its a fucking blackfish i hope to god we don't make a custom skin for it. But hey it's up to them boys if they wanna put more shit on their table.
  11. Ugh yea man the Only way that's gonna happen is if cops know what variant you have vehicle transport and infantry transport BOTH literally look the same only way to tell is by looking in the back cargo and checking if its infantry or vehicle transport. That being said WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE OUT A INFANTRY BLACKFISH OUT get piped up by some fuckboy in a ghosthawk spraying 3000 rounds into you because he thought it was illegal vehicle.
  12. Get ur fish seized just go claim on from some dumbass gathering ingredients for meth or moonshine.
  13. W@1t A MINUT3 H3'$ G0T A Po1nT H3R3. 1t'$ Tr1d3nt$ 3vil P1@N t0 m@k3 B1@cKfi$he$ i113gal $0 Th3y CaN c1aim Th3m 4or Th3ir f3d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  14. Fun Fact Trident has sold just about 1568 Gold Bars. Multiply that by 55,000 and then add %15 you get 99,176,000. This is in just the last Month I believe.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DeadPool


      2 hours ago, Viper said:

      @obeymatt rpg’s inbound :Kappa:

      Price increase inbound :Kappa:

    3. DashTonic


      Does this mean I can get paid for flying now

    4. kev


      Yes, you get paid with experience @DashTonic

  15. A storm is brewing boys


  16. The last update you guys pushed did with disabling the coin flips I noticed that the server wasn't lagging out towards the end of restart. But could also be from low pop there was around 50-70 at the time.
  17. Coast Guard would still be a thing if Fushigi wasn't a blue falcon just sayin...
  18. You look like a future School Shooter, Change my mind.
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