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Luke Duke

APD Officer
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Everything posted by Luke Duke

  1. 5541aa192244d9a78bb057fd0cb7bd4b.pngWhen you rank up to GE on wingman off a tie lol

    1. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      When you play wingman not comp

  2. Why are Winters and Darwin on the CoC for APD

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. codeYeTi


      Oh no, not the boy Winters... I loved playing with him.

    3. -dante-


      What BROTHACAIN said 

    4. Luke Duke

      Luke Duke

      Wait how did they lose perm corp? Are we about to see all the old sAPD back?

  3. I was listening the radio yesterday, and my radio station was doing a request block, and you could call in requests that had something to do with Halloween/Hell/The Devil/Magic/etc, and with me already digging into the candy we got, I was interested to see what some people think of and consider their favorite Halloween songs. Obviously they weren't specifically made for Halloween, I'm just seeing what songs people from around the country or world think of when they think of Halloween. I just put the first 10 that come to mind for me, if you have any not listed, put them up.
  4. Digging through the old files, I found this gem. 

    Next time I catch a glimpse of the rare and elusive blue falcon, I'm going to blast his ass with my 870.

    Gets help on a corp test from a friend, several months later, gets that friend blacklisted.



    @Fushigi @Colt@McDili

  5. I think ive been playing too much csgo. I was going for the knife



  6. Civs make money at the expense of cops, cops make money at the expensive of civs. Its a circle. Both sides loose the greatest resource of all when they lose fights, TIME. You know how tilted i get when i try and catch Sam or one of the others at meth lab and he just takes off in his blackfish never to be seen again? Or when the gold transport after a fed is gone in 30 seconds inside of a blackfish? @Silton i swear the next time you try and block off HQ with your van when I am trying to respond to a jail i will arrest you
  7. Accurate representation of me and Bo playing cop together:

    44E69593FCE404556B7A7963BBC128B96D7B35F2NO HOMO

    1. Millennium


      If there is no homo then ur gay

  8. Everything I ever needed to know about Islam I learned on 9/11. That was "Flight 93". They crashed in Somerset County, Pennsylvania.
  9. @falcon From burning yourself in heli wreckage to end a wave at frog processor to LT. Not going to lie after Wintersgate (July 2016?) I avoided you like the plague, and I must say I am impressed that you stuck it out and got all the way to LT. Hope whatever you do outside of this community goes as well as your APD tenure has. Good luck and God speed. When you got cop I had just got corporal, and when you stepped down I had just got corporal... what a weird coincidence.
  10. The Eagles Greatest Hits passed Michael Jacksons Thriller as the best selling album of all time. They now hold the 1 and 3 spots on that list, with Hotel California right behind Thriller.

  11. Dukes of Altis


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. iPopsicle


      Just the good ol boys, never meaning no harm.

    3. codeYeTi


      Time to get the Altis Air Force demoted.

    4. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Dukes of hazards

  12. When you're on vacation and you see dashtonic and bloodmoon fly by on the way to the fed.




  13. Not bad. I started it once, underestimated how long it would take, and gave up at the terminal due to server restart. I think @K3control crawled it a couple years ago for money. You guys should try to beat our APD boat time around the map. Me and @Colt made it around the map in 48 minutes and checked the all coast red zones excluding rebels and warzone ofc
  14. Can confirm, watched Gary RPG it then do a evil laugh EDIT - One i watched him do was at the old meth cartel
  15. I voted for Sho 2.0 on the Playstation Gold Headset
  16. Because I said a black joke while on cop with Dan Banks
  17. My duped 7.62 can
  18. Nerf your cops please, new strat is op


    1. Dangus


      That's real fucking unlucky

    2. NokiaStrong
    3. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      This is so fucking Majestic 

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