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Everything posted by K3control

  1. You are literally like the whitest person I've ever seen... like stop using the n word in every other sentence
  2. This is some of the funniest shit I've seen in awhile hahaha


  3. Glad you got corp back bud :) 

  4. What are some good games that are out right now 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hectic


      Wolfinstien 2, the witcher 3

    3. DeadPool



      57 minutes ago, lou25000 said:

      Arma 3 is pretty good i heard

      I dont know I heard some crack head named Lou wasted his life on there I dont know if I want too

    4. CHEECH


      steep, farcry, battlefield 1 and 4, csgo, fortnight, escape from tarcov, gta, squad, gta, dying light ,ghost recon,  r6 siege , hotline miami 1 and 2 terraria, swat 4, pubg , fallout 4, the new cod, besiege, payday 2, the forest

  5. This made me laugh more than it should have 


  6. The Eath Meth and THE GOAT Emoticon got removed too??! WTF YALL RUIN MY IMMERSION  


    1. Kamikaze



      still works for me

  7. Hey I am trying to get a hold of you but can't message you on the forums, it won't allow me add me on steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/K3control/

  8. Will someone buy me Escape from Tarkov ? I'll buy you any game you want on steam thats $50 or less :) 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. KrispyK


      they dont tell you that you can be killed in the first second of a raid, it happened to me

    3. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      That's above my paygrade lmao

    4. DeadPool
  9. if you have a pistol that is a lethal your tazer will sometimes bug and kill people
  10. Congrats on FTO hopefully with this promo u can afford something other than rice 

  11. I still think the laggest person to ever play olympus is nw @Sir Dude But I haven't seen this guy on in ages
  12. Can we add Shift Minus commands back in so we can shift minus flush instead of restarting our games and having to spam in for 20 minutes? I mean it use to always fix my game anytime I experienced any sort of stutter/rubber band issues?

    1. K3control
    2. dog:)


      shift-minus endmission xd

    3. K3control


      isn't their a way we can just make it where you cannot do that one specific command?

  13. @Jesse Why can't civs use the bait appliances ? I got a few from a hostage situation this is bs you ruined my immersion

  14. You're definitely wrong. Market cap for cryptocurrency as a whole broke 800 billion today. A new all-time high
  15. price?
  16. RP w/ Medic = Demotion wowowowow
  17. I hope all my restricted friends get a really good special christmas gift in 9 day! ;)

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