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Everything posted by Wong

  1. When you find your phone and log into steam only to find out that your game uninstalled :mellow:91ae0c1602b595c4da6e8807f151ce48.png

  2. That moment you get logged out of steam and then need the steam authenticator to log in but you lost your phone and it is dead and cant be called :mellow:


  3. When you see a helicopter and you have 900ping


  4. Wong


    Me and @yobson had some quality time in the back of your car with the chips and Mountain Dew and our echo location powers.
  5. @Pledge and @Trimorphious congratz on sergeant it was well deserved :D

  6. Congrats On Lieutenant @Midnightcamo

  7. Congratz on corp snipeZ it was well deserved



    Im actualy GAY!

    Also dumb

    1. Epic
    2. HyperGoat


      im pretty sure everyone knew that already :D


  9. Wong


    I prefer BONG RIPS
  10. o7 http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/94973258562021945/AFBCFC4B72AD19B4C5E2C0C7985650D48FE956B1/
  11. there will be more fun in kavala when I get comped my 36mil
  12. This guy is a master baiter
  13. Honestly frost the best way to handle the situation would have been message one of the senior R&R and then talk to them about the situation and if they feel you are worthy of getting your rank back then they would go ahead and give you a second chance, but the way you handled you most likely threw away all chances of you getting R&R back.
  14. Has not changed still 1200 if it changed it would have been noted on there
  15. Im liking the new speed limits now that they are not those retarded uneven numbers +1
  16. Congrats my dude
  17. The Mr.Wong and Mr.Epic gang was the best gang ever @Epic
  18. So in about 15months are time?
  19. K
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