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Locked *750k Giveaway* How did you find Olympus? CONTEST ENDS 5/1

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The contest is simple. Here is answer some questions in this format:

1. IGN:

2. How did you find Olympus?:

3. What is your favorite Olympus memory?:

You can answer question 3 with a video if you have it. Please do at least a complete sentence. I will put all names in a pool, and have the site pick a name. Good luck! Contest will end midnight on 5/1/2017.

To give an example here is my answer:



1. IGN: Ignis

2. How did you find Olympus?: I was in a community called LOST, and a group of people revolted from it to create their own gang because the leader of the community was not reacting the best way possible. I couldn't even think about running Arma yet because of my potato of a computer, but I eventually followed this group to Arma and joined their gang without the community leader knowing xd. The gang was freshly renamed to Moob and Co due to the fact their last gang name was not liked by OS. 

3. What is your favorite Olympus memory?: My favorite memory was when the wipe happened and how MC had this whole strategy to make the most money the quickest, and it just this huge organized chaos between us, the cops, and other huge gangs at the time to keep cartels and do successful drug runs.  It was absolutely crazy and I believe we had a lot of firsts when it came to the wipe asset-wise so that made it fun.


Keep the comments to entries only.

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1. IGN: TD | Magical

2. How did you find Olympus?: I found Olympus by a group of my friends, One of my friends told me to purchase arma, so i did and from that day on i've played olympus and only olympus. One of the most unique arma servers i've found.

3. What is your favorite Olympus memory?: My favorite memory was when my friend parked his hemmit box infront of a shed door, and then opened it and it blew up xD was legit the most hilarious thing ever and i recorded it so got the memory to last forever :D

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1. IGN: polend33/Ranger Polend/(current) RubberDuck

2. How did you find Olympus?: I was having fun on a different server (CWY or something) and everything went to shit fast and found a new one, Ive been here for a long time now, I love the staff, and I love how much Olympus grew.

3. What is your favorite Olympus memory?: Several, here is a video, I honestly cant tell you. Everyday is something new, and it usually gets better.




9 minutes ago, Epic said:

1. IGN: Mr.Epic

2.How did you find Olympus?: Was looking for a server to RDM on and I ended up liking Olympus.

3.What is your favorite Olympus Memory?: Meeting @Wong and blowing up suicide vests :)

I remember you and wong, jesus those days in kavala made me want to kms

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1. IGN: Monkey Wrench

2. How did you find Olympus?: When I started playing PC I only played Rust, I grind ed for like 7 months. While waiting for a wipe cycle my buddy showed me Arma, we got on Olympus started killing people and making money and I just never really went back to Rust.

3. What is your favorite Olympus memory:



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IGN: Sociopathic

How did I find olympus?: T Damn Dannygurl convinced me to play arma 3 and I started here, never left.

What is my favorite memory of the server?: @snipeZ https://youtu.be/EVwjA3ewxKg



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IGN: dangusdean

How did I find Olympus: I was looking through servers hopping from one to another and landed on Olympus and it was a lot different from other Altis life servers and so I played for a while and got hooked because it was the best experience I'd had on a life server since I had gotten arma.

What is my favorite memory of Olympus: When my gang and I set up elaborate plans every night and day to figure out the most productive way to process heroin non stop. We had one 2 crater between 9 of us that we were using to store the heroin in. We were finishing up and loaded it all up into trucks, then 3 random guys came up in suicide vests and blew up our 3 hemmt's full of processed heroin. Instead of complaining and being angry, we simply laughed because they had sent us a message an hour earlier saying our run would be ruined. We didn't get it at the time, but then after they blew us up we just laughed for a solid 10 minutes straight. It was by far the best day I've had on Olympus. hands down.

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IGN: [Taxi]Marty

How did you find olympus: I played DayZ standalone before this. One day my brother and I were playing DayZ and after a while we got bored since there were no cars. He had played on olympus at that time, and he suggested that I try it out. As I did not have Arma, he said I could borrow his friend's account temporarily. Olympus was the first server I played on, and it was the only server I've ever logged on to until recently. I loved everything about it, and a couple months later I bought the game myself. I think I bought it right after the wipe, or before. When I first joined by IGN was Mato (the Slovak equivalent of Marty), but as nobody seemed able to pronounce it properly, I changed it to Marty, and eventually when I got a taxi license to [Taxi]Marty. 

Favourite memory of Olympus: When I was still relatively new, and even newer to doing drug runs, I was on my way back from a drug run in what I think was a box truck, but my memory could be off. Anyway I must've been driving for quite a while as I had completely forgotten that I had drugs in my truck. I approached the kavala police checkpoint, which happened to have policemen stopping vehicles and searching them. Having forgotten about my illegal cargo, when asked whether they could search, I cheerfully agreed. Doesn't sound too exciting, and I did have other, more fun and exciting experiences, but since I have to choose one, I think this is the one most unlike any other experience I've had on the server, especially because of the roleplay by the officers involved. Most of my fond memories do involve the APD.

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1. IGN: [MC] Cech

2. How did you find Olympus?: Moved to Olympus when my gang on a different server changed to here. 

3. What is your favorite Olympus memory?: I have probably got a better memory but I dont remember much from before :P My gang were doing a run, we had all like tempest devices and such filled with moonshine and we were gonna head to the distributor. We were around 8-9 trucks and then a guy from our gang (Can't remember his name though since everyone used troll names at the time) and he rammed into one of the trucks and it blew up and then we stopped and the next truck blew up and then the next one and then all suddenly only 2 of us were left :P

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1. IGN: Augustus

2. How did you find Olympus?: Used to play on Asylum, my friend got permed off it and he went to Olympus, so I went with him so I could play with him.

3. What is your favorite Olympus memory?: Making a roadblock in Kavala, and a cop ramming straight into it 82FAC572F1F717643BA2F5469BAE91362A842A3D

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1. IGN: Pocketoli

2. How did you find Olympus?: i started by playing koth, then wanted to play an rp server. played asylum for like an hour, then thought it was cancer and came to olympus. 

3. What is your favorite Olympus memory?: etting armad with 1m on me.

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1. IGN: DeadPooL 

2. How did you find Olympus?:starting players my PC for the first time a year ago after watching Frankie play arma and Olympus and asylum were the 2 first picks I saw and at the time on economics we were learning bout big industry and mama and pop companies so I came to Olympus rather than the big industry asylum

3. What is your favorite Olympus memory?: Playing cop with @Doc and @Talindor back in the day when I first got corporal.

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1. IGN: scream

2. How did you find Olympus?: After a server called Mecca died me and some friends started The Abusement Park on here. Katiba squad.

3. What is your favorite Olympus memory?: Going under the alias gang Blood Diamond Incorporated with the boys @Snare @AndrewFam 

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1. IGN: Platinum

2. How did you find Olympus?: I was an Asylum rat and got banned then I found Olympus and stuck with it.

3. What is your favorite Olympus memory?: I think it was last summer and everyone on the server made a truce in the morning. We used the tags [WC] "World Coalition" and we did a massive Kavala takeover with literally 20+ players.

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1 hour ago, platinumfire said:

1. IGN: Platinum

2. How did you find Olympus?: I was an Asylum rat and got banned then I found Olympus and stuck with it.

3. What is your favorite Olympus memory?: I think it was last summer and everyone on the server made a truce in the morning. We used the tags [WC] "World Coalition" and we did a massive Kavala takeover with literally 20+ players.

I remember [WC] haha, that was fun

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1. IGN: ~MoP~ Ian

2. How did you find Olympus?: Around the end of 2015, I started watching some YouTube videos about Altis Life and I really wanted to buy Arma and see what it was all about because it looks like a lot of fun. I ended up getting Arma and a couple of buddies and I started playing on Olympus as our first server (Thank god it wasn't asylum). We had a blast and we stuck with it for a pretty long time.

3. What is your favorite Olympus memory?: Getting the gear @Main and I took from @Fat Clemenza seized right after we made a forum post about selling it and getting outplayed by @McDili and @Ignis with the silent heli landing :FeelsBad: 

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IGM: Pablo Escobar

How Did you find Olympus?: I accidentally joined the server and then played on it saying "This is some good shit."

Funniest Moment: Grandma Gary at rebel with Tree stealing peoples nades and throwing them at us, blowing up his own Ghost Hawk, and nading Orgondo who was locked in a crate. 

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1. IGN: The White Tiger

2. How did you find Olympus?: Back when me and a irl friend were searching for a server. He found this one and we stuck with it, turns out is turned into this huge awesome community.

3. What is your favorite Olympus memory?: The thrill of runs 2 years back when the server was actually extremely fun to play and money and weapons were hard to come by.

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