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6 minutes ago, Aunt Jemima said:

That makes no sense lmao if anything you just helped explain why they should stay permed. @Elements got banned on Olympus cause he got banned on asylum, you’re saying all these guys got permed from asylum and then got permed off Olympus for something else lol. I like the guys that got permed but they couldn’t simply stick to playing video games and they got caught :/

I have tried to get unbanned dood. They say they don't unban scripters than my scripting ban gets told to me as being false. Then I get told I am banned because of asylum, so I showed people that have never got punished for being banned on asylum and play olympus. And they unbanned someone banned on multiple accounts on asylum(for the same reason). Yet me doing nothing bad enough to get permed on the server for 3 years still doesn't get them to even think about unbanning me. Just leave it as it is, they don't want me unbanned.

1 hour ago, Lethal said:

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human being to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries.

"Mr. Madison, what you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response, were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it." - Principal Anderson

14 minutes ago, Elements said:

I have tried to get unbanned dood. They say they don't unban scripters than my scripting ban gets told to me as being false. Then I get told I am banned because of asylum, so I showed people that have never got punished for being banned on asylum and play olympus. And they unbanned someone banned on multiple accounts on asylum(for the same reason). Yet me doing nothing bad enough to get permed on the server for 3 years still doesn't get them to even think about unbanning me. Just leave it as it is, they don't want me unbanned.

They're probably also factoring in your long ban evade.

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, Canada said:

2. Everyone has a booter now adays google it. who cares.



2 hours ago, Canada said:

What if all of those cucks were down to get their computers checked for bad stuff.


  • Head Admin

Just to clarify since there seems to be some confusion.  The bans we share from Asylum are extremely limited, it's not like we sare ban lists every week and leave it at that.  The only people who make it onto our ban list from Asylum are either in Asylum's public scripter/hacker ban list.  People who hack on Asylum and have to be caught manually then try and play here which results in a ban through collaboration.  Then the third category... people who are stupid enough to admit to it.


9 hours ago, Canada said:

No Disagreement in any shape way or form I completely agree. But were talking about shutting the door completely and aren't even willing to bring it up to discussion. What if all of those cucks were down to get their computers checked for bad stuff. Or they agreed to sit a ban for a few months and come back on the standards that if the word DDOS or "Webstresser" comes out of anyones mouth Actually give them a PERM. that's reasonbale. I think the bans on them needed to happen but might have been a little too final that's all I'm saying. I extremely dislike 3 quarters of the people were talking about if not all of them. I Just feel for their situation because ive been their.

DDoSing in the way that it was being done was akin to hacking. They were using 3rd party programs to gain an advantage in the game literally during fights. You wouldn't expect us to unban hackers, and these guys committed an offense on that same level.

  • Owner

@McDili @Jesse Let me stir the pot some more, heres the ghosthawk texture people. First L E A K https://imgur.com/a/tZZJV:Kappa:

2 hours ago, Grandma Gary said:

Just to clarify since there seems to be some confusion.  The bans we share from Asylum are extremely limited, it's not like we sare ban lists every week and leave it at that.  The only people who make it onto our ban list from Asylum are either in Asylum's public scripter/hacker ban list.  People who hack on Asylum and have to be caught manually then try and play here which results in a ban through collaboration.  Then the third category... people who are stupid enough to admit to it.



1 hour ago, McDili said:

DDoSing in the way that it was being done was akin to hacking. They were using 3rd party programs to gain an advantage in the game literally during fights. You wouldn't expect us to unban hackers, and these guys committed an offense on that same level.

But this nibba @Elements has been tryin so long to get unbanned just give my mans a chance he put in so many appeals and u deny them all because of a dead server

  • Downvote 1
12 hours ago, DeadPool said:

If Elements gets unperm then @RabidAltLeL @Excision @Tiger @Haiwood Gets unbanned

and @Jwilly 

Well maybe if these retards all didn't rat each other out they would have never been banned. How about instead of trying to get them unbanned, laugh at their stupidity.


Edited by Sh^rk
12 hours ago, Canada said:

1. Tigers Ban On Asylum was basically the same.

2. Everyone has a booter now adays google it. who cares.

3. Gang lifes managed to become 10 times more cancerous then ever without them around. Would it be really that bad to reduce the bans to something more reasonable then a perm. Maybe the "Max ban before perm" should be upped to something like 3 or six months. rather then being like fuck you kids your never playing with us again over you knocking some kids Netflix down for 15 minutes because rebel keeps getting raided. Or a virtual ban on another virtual server, Which you banned a kid for. it was for combat exploiting fair enough..... But what about all the people with VAC;s on other games we let them play here... should we stop doing that. Or should we all actually come up with solutions for punishing people rather then all of the stupid fucking perm bans. They get handed out like candy its unreal. Some kids deserve them I agree, but even I had a perm over "Intending To Cheat" How the fuck do you ban someone for that? Perm after a 3 day ban [NLR Break] Only ban in 14 months. So does that mean we should ban every person that "intended to ddos" even though they didn't.... Pointless rant now. All I'm trying to say is ban system could use rework. I'm sure I don't see the full picture or understand from the point of view of a staff member still though, smells like fish to me :)

litterally ddosers are only widespread on arma. its also illegal to ddos. alot of people care

Edited by Jakka
  • Like 1
19 minutes ago, Jakka said:

litterally ddosers are only widespread on arma. its also illegal to ddos. alot of people care

Ya I mean it really truely sucks, imo the arma community is so cancer everyone has such a high ego and after all that they bring in ddosing which truely solves nothing nor do you gain anything from doing so #peacebewithyouall

27 minutes ago, Memexd said:

Well @McDili I think we all just got outplayed and @Savage caused the Drama you were looking for. 

my mans asked for drama i gave him drama

13 hours ago, Excision said:

pushing window with an ifrit got stale, so we got creative.

hehe xd

[Verse 1]
Gary, now I know I was wrong
I messed up and now you're gone
Gary, I'm sorry I neglected you
Oh, I never expected you to run away
And leave me feeling this empty
Your meow right now would sound like music to me
Please come home 'cause I miss you, Gary

Gary, come home
Gary, come home
Gary, come home

[Verse 2]
Gary, can't you see I was blind?
I'll do anything to change your mind
More than a pet, you're my best friend
Too cool to forget, come back 'cause we are family
And forgive me for making you wanna roam
And now, my heart is beating like the saddest metronome
Somewhere I hope you're reading my latest three-word poem

Gary, come home
Gary, come home
Gary, come home
Gary, come home
Gary, come home
Gary, come home
Gary, come home
Gary, come home
Gary, come home
Gary, come home
Gary, won't you come home?


6 minutes ago, Azeh said:

start making "#Free Sunnayyyy" posts now 

Y the nibba is unbanned unless some shit happened I don't know about

25 minutes ago, Azeh said:

Go back to the shithole that is ALRP where everyone cheats

You got wiped every time you fought someone, shh

First off. You seem to act like you know a whole lot about keefer and them,first you don’t.

second. Why are you even here? If you’re just going to bring up irrelevant shit that never happened 

third. Go back to asylum a dead server full of whiny bitches.

  • Like 2
13 minutes ago, sin said:

First off. You seem to act like you know a whole lot about keefer and them,first you don’t.

second. Why are you even here? If you’re just going to bring up irrelevant shit that never happened 

third. Go back to asylum a dead server full of whiny bitches.


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