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Roundtable Summary 2022-09-10





  • Remove NLR in Therisa 
    • Exception: Players respawning in Therisa with the sole intent of returning to WZ are exempt from NLR on the condition their presence is limited to pulling a vehicle and driving to WZ
    • Reasoning: Currently a grey area amongst staff, some staff members ban players breaking nlr in Therisa; some don't. Most players intentions are to drive into warzone, but unfortunately get spawn camped within the city preventing the increase in fights.
  • Revert War-points back to original scaled value - pre-update - We will try to replicate previous values; due to an overhaul of the code it may not be exact same on our first attempt


  • Insider Trading License
    • Purchasable license: which gives players the option to view when real-estate will become available on the market. 
      • Green Map Marker = Less than 15 Days left till house is purchasable on market. Yellow Map Marker = Less than 10 Days left till house is purchasable on market. Red Map Marker = Less than 5 Days left till house is purchasable on market.
      • Cost $1M, can be purchased at Realtor
    • Reasoning: Helps new players receive an advantage for finding good real-estate on the map before House is purchasable on market.


  • Change: Remove the ability for vigilantes to tase in warzone, change to lethal magazines within warzone island.
    • Vigilantes will receive a percentage of a players bounty when lethaled in Warzone based off of Vigi Tier.
      • Tier 1: 5%
      • Tier 2: 10%
      • Tier 3: 15%
      • Tier 4: 20%
      • Tier 5: 25%
    • A system to prevent Vigilantes camping bottleneck & rebels can be similar to the renown point system. Vigilantes who kill a player who is naked/ gearless will receive a far less % of bounty when killed. System can be scalable. 
  • Change: If a Vigilantes License is seized by the APD: it disables the ability for the license to be purchased for 48 Hours.


  • Add a "Rob All" Option when robbing players.
    • Action will take same amount of time as robbing everything separately 
  • Move 200% Pharma Drop Off @ Pol - Moving it North of Sofia towards the lighthouse.
  • Ability to pay bail immediately once player is sent to jail.


  • Remove a scout ghosthawk/huron vehicle's ability to contribute to multiple hawks lost + guns hot status. Must go back to HQ to revert back to rapid. 
  • Dopamine Shot/ Epi-Pen Changes 
    • Decrease dopamine shots & epi-pens item weight to 2. Decrease dopamine shots cooldown to 2 minutes. Change dopamine shot image to syringe. Dope Shots now give revived players dopamine on revive: without dope timer.
      • Change Dopamine Shot price to 250k if changes above are met.



  • Possession with Intent to Distribute charge
    • $25k
    • Seize Vigi Licence
    • Add if a civilian is found to have distributed any form of illegal contraband to another person. 
    • Reasoning: An additional charge that can be added when civilians are handing out illegal contraband to APD Officers. 
  • Improper Handling of Hazardous Materials charge
    • $25k
    • Seize Vigi Licence
    • Add if a civilian is found to have distributed radioactive materials to another person. 
    • Reasoning: An additional charge that can be added when civilians are handing out radioactive material to APD Officers. 
  • Stone grenades usable in grenade launchers.
    • This would be priced the same and work the same as the current tear gas grenade that can be used in grenade launchers. 
    • Reasoning: An additional tool in the APD arsenal.
  • Road kits to Patrol Officer - Approved for addition, if there are performance issues as a result of this then it is subject to removal without notification; will be unavailable and cleaned up during times of low server performance.
    • Limit of 5 being able to be placed at a time by an individual Patrol Officer. 
    • Reasoning: An additional tool in the APD arsenal. With a limit on how many road kits a Patrol Officer can place this will hopefully cause less concerns. 


  • Rule Change - Denied in favor of the lethal adjustments below
    • APD may not utilize vans at any federal events.
    • Reasoning: The win rate/amount of Federal Events has been increasing and this change will give the APD an additional counter to attempt to get into the Federal Events. 
  •  Lethals can authorized for all officers at federal events after 10 minutes if <= 10 officers online;
    • dope timer inside federal events increased to 10m
  • Car-95 price adjustment 
    • Increase Car-95-1 price from $70k to $75k
    • Magazines from $5k to $6.5k
    • Reasoning: Car-95s are cheap weapons for how effective they are with a fast fire rate and high capacity magazines. Increasing the prices to $70k/$150k makes the weapons more in line with similar weapons such as the Spar-16/Spar-16-s.
  • Increase APD Escort Event Reward Payouts (total reward payout would still be split between the APD Officers participating in the APD Escort)
    • Small - $1 mil - $1.5 mil
    • Medium - $1.5 mil - $2 mil
    • Large - $2 mil - $2.5 mil
    • Reasoning: An additional incentive to encourage APD Officers to do Escort Events producing more content. 
  • Buff Hunter and Strider front glass to be more similar to Ifrit front glass.  - Pending further investigation and discussion with CC
    • Reasoning: There is still a significant difference between an Ifrit's front glass and other armoured vehicle's front glass. It can still only take 2-3 bullets from an MK-1 to kill someone out of a Hunter/Strider, the Ifrit can take anywhere from 15-30+ bullets to shoot someone out. 



  • Rescue and Recovery Firefighting
    • This can be an alternate thing for medics to do while playing on the server.
  • Open Casino for Medics - I have been personally left to bleed out 2km from Kavala, watching a medic coinflip the entire time very shortly before it was removed; casino gambling doesn't have the benefit of people seeing it in side chat, so it'd be even harder to hold medics accountable.
    • This would be another thing for medics to do in their free time while playing.
    • Also, the best money sink in the game, and letting medics use it will help take money from Medics.
  • Medic Kajman and Taru(Medical) (Kajman = Sup+  Taru(Medical) = Search & Rescue) - Currently Supervisors have 2 items over the previous rank, RnR is also over-budget on texture file size. The Taru medical is a simple addition, the Kajman is not.
    • Another couple helis for medics to play around with. 
    • Remove all weapons and skins will be needed.


  • Medic DP mission payout - we'll set this to be the same as normal DP missions ($/km), which is slightly over 3x
    • Increase the Payout for completing medic DP missions by 3x.
    • Current System Kav - Neo  16k  and it takes roughly 3 minutes.  You can do roughly 20 runs like that in an hour and you would make $320,000.
    • The new payout from Kav - Neo 48k takes the same time so 20 runs times 48k would be roughly  $960,000.
    • This can be a way to fix the medic DP missions and the medics will have something else to do to keep them moving.


  • Vehicle pull cost from hospitals - This was an unintended effect for the reimplementation of vehicle retrieval price.
    • The vehicle pull price is too high for the amount of money currently being made while playing medic.  Medics pulling vehicles from hospitals should not cost anything as that is our main garage and Air station.
  • Remove Pay reduction while Hostage at a Federal Event
    • Medics don’t want to be there against their will as it is and most times they don’t revive and only give dope.


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Everything in this update was reasonable, then I read what you guys saved BEST FOR LAST.

I cannot fathom how a MAJORITY OF 25 PEOPLE think it's a good idea to incentivize medics being taken hostage at feds. Do you guys EVER play cop, or know how easy it is to take a medic hostage? Don't want medics taken hostage at feds? Take REAL steps to make it stop happening. Not meme fixes that do the exact opposite of what you're trying to accomplish. 


Tfw Senior Medics are clearing junior medics to revive people @ Air Terminal during active feds on top of this.

Big LOL's all around. 

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1 hour ago, Mr GOAT said:

Everything in this update was reasonable, then I read what you guys saved BEST FOR LAST.

I cannot fathom how a MAJORITY OF 25 PEOPLE think it's a good idea to incentivize medics being taken hostage at feds. Do you guys EVER play cop, or know how easy it is to take a medic hostage? Don't want medics taken hostage at feds? Take REAL steps to make it stop happening. Not meme fixes that do the exact opposite of what you're trying to accomplish. 


Tfw Senior Medics are clearing junior medics to revive people @ Air Terminal during active feds on top of this.

Big LOL's all around. 

Take it up with the very active chief of police. Also medics shouldn't be punished over something most the time they can't control.

  • +1 2


2 hours ago, Mr GOAT said:

I cannot fathom how a MAJORITY OF 25 PEOPLE think it's a good idea to incentivize medics being taken hostage at feds. Do you guys EVER play cop, or know how easy it is to take a medic hostage? Don't want medics taken hostage at feds? Take REAL steps to make it stop happening. Not meme fixes that do the exact opposite of what you're trying to accomplish. 


The reason it was added in the first place was to decentivise the medics from intentionally being taken hostage. At the time when it was added it was quite reasonable, however at this time the medics literally sit there for 20+ minutes doing nothing besides occasionally hitting their middle mouse button. The medics should be given some comp for their 20 minutes of time WASTED. All of us agreed that its kind of fucked, however if it is clear that the medics are intentionally being taken hostage for feds again it can always be reverted.

Not to mention that DB literally payed medics on the down low to be taken hostage so like even if you really wanted to prevent them from wanting to with the 50% or whatever it was in their pay whilst during a fed, they can always just get payed by wire with money.... If the civs decided to be generous or corroborated with them.

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I've said this many times to various people, but I don't think anyone on the staff team or senior faction leads are truly willing to have an honest discussion about medics being taken hostage at feds. This problem will not be solved by medics making money while being taken hostage  NOR will it be solved by them being 1.1km from an active federal event.

We need expensive defibs for precisely what medics do at feds/bw/jails. Would make them more balanceable for both sides (cop/civ) via admin rule changes/price buff/nerfs. 

Civs dont want to have to take medics hostage

Cops dont want medics anywhere near them period (just annoying quite frankly)

Medics dont want to be taken hostage


Until that happens, status quo will remain the same, and medics will continue to have 30+ mins of their time wasted (and the rest of the servers time, tbh).

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36 minutes ago, Mr GOAT said:

I've said this many times to various people, but I don't think anyone on the staff team or senior faction leads are truly willing to have an honest discussion about medics being taken hostage at feds. This problem will not be solved by medics making money while being taken hostage  NOR will it be solved by them being 1.1km from an active federal event.

We need expensive defibs for precisely what medics do at feds/bw/jails. Would make them more balanceable for both sides (cop/civ) via admin rule changes/price buff/nerfs. 

Civs dont want to have to take medics hostage

Cops dont want medics anywhere near them period (just annoying quite frankly)

Medics dont want to be taken hostage


Until that happens, status quo will remain the same, and medics will continue to have 30+ mins of their time wasted (and the rest of the servers time, tbh).



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The hunter/strider glass thing is retarded ngl

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Posted (edited)

10 hours ago, Mr GOAT said:

've said this many times to various people, but I don't think anyone on the staff team or senior faction leads are truly willing to have an honest discussion about medics being taken hostage at feds. This problem will not be solved by medics making money while being taken hostage  NOR will it be solved by them being 1.1km from an active federal event.

We need expensive defibs for precisely what medics do at feds/bw/jails. Would make them more balanceable for both sides (cop/civ) via admin rule changes/price buff/nerfs. 

Civs dont want to have to take medics hostage

Cops dont want medics anywhere near them period (just annoying quite frankly)

Medics dont want to be taken hostage

We would have settled in favor of rejecting the medic pay if dope shots were passed. Feds are so hard as it is. Lethals are now always enabled at feds and dope is needed. Medics or dopeshots and the choice was medics! @ Mr GOAT

Edited by Orbit


21 hours ago, Mr GOAT said:

I cannot fathom how a MAJORITY OF 25 PEOPLE think it's a good idea to incentivize medics being taken hostage at feds

Goat, its not "incentivizing" medic to be taken hostage... its COMPENSATION them for their time, get it right. anytime I get on cop most cops want feds to happen so does that mean we should cut any money made from anything fed related by 50%? If you think most medics want anything to do with fed you're crazy. another medic was taken the other day and made 40k for 30mins. REALLY??? 40k. that's stupid, why punish all medics for a few bad medics wanting to be taken hostage? 

21 hours ago, Mr GOAT said:

Do you guys EVER play cop, or know how easy it is to take a medic hostage?

How many hours do you have on medic? Any??? So who are you too even comment on anything medic related?

21 hours ago, Mr GOAT said:

Tfw Senior Medics are clearing junior medics to revive people @ Air Terminal during active feds on top of this.

Medics must not enter the Federal Reserve, Telos, or the immediate area around the Federal Reserve during an active robbery

800m from the OUTSIDE ring isn't really the "immediate" area, also no SR medic is clearing junior medics to revive that air terminal. Believe it or not people die at the MAIN airport on the map and they don't have to be associated with the fed to do so


So please, get the facts right before speaking, thanks from all medics.



17 hours ago, Mr GOAT said:

We need expensive defibs for precisely what medics do at feds/bw/jails. Would make them more balanceable for both sides (cop/civ) via admin rule changes/price buff/nerfs. 

Also please explain how defibs would make it more even? have one or two people only carrying defibs and it would literally be more overpowered than them having a medic. at least the medic isn't involved with the hostage takers and cant talk to them in discord. So I'm not really sure the point you're trying to make here...

Or here's an idea, make it so APD cant respond back to the fed for 3mins after the last person of the wave is killed and just take medics and defibs out of the fed. But you're not ready to talk about that...



13 hours ago, Big John1 said:

I agree with @ Mr GOAT  on this, ever since i joined this server it makes me cringe how the RNR come in and completely ruin any fight they touch.  This issue NEEDS to be addressed and we NEED an alternative to the dogshit RNR faction at federal events. 

The dopeshot REWORK is an absolute must.  If we don't get something done about this soon were gona lose the remaining server pop of old players who are bored to tears of the ghost town ass server. 

Instead of insulting a faction you have nothing to do with, and instead of insisting they just get rid of medics all together, why don't you come up with an idea to fix the issue. If it were up to me medics wouldn't be allowed to be taken hostage for federal events. They aren't fun. Cops kill us whenever they see us. We make fuck all for money. They waste our time. Not to mention you potentially fuck over other civs depending how many medics are on, their ranks and how many revives come in.

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1 hour ago, hawkg said:

get rid of medics. Most boring faction and they ruin almost every pvp situation 

This is coming from the guy who passenger seated 3 people while on medic, got blacklisted for it, submitted a blacklist appeal, got denied by all high ranking members of the R&R and yet still had the balls to submit a dogshit application thinking he's going to get back in.

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I honestly don't know what needs to be reworked about the faction that's going to help with feds.

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1 hour ago, Big John1 said:

del key the faction would be a good first step

Well, that's not going to happen and you know it so I don't even know why you even mention it.

  • Downvote 1


On 9/11/2022 at 5:25 PM, GrizzlyMan1252 said:

anytime I get on cop most cops want feds to happen

What the fuck are you on i dont know 1 cop who LIKES feds...


Ive seen it countless times where feds and stuff pop up and literally 90% of the cops get off. You are as delusional as our insanely active chief of police.



1 hour ago, Connor S said:

What the fuck are you on i dont know 1 cop who LIKES feds...

Ahhhh yes I'd love for you to tell me more about how not 1 of all the cops on the server don't want a fed to happen. Please tell me what else you've learned from you 79 hours on cop???

1 hour ago, Connor S said:

Ive seen it countless times where feds and stuff pop up and literally 90% of the cops get of

Yes some might get off but that's highly frowned upon but home come when you join the federal reserve channel more join than what log off??? 

But please tell me more since you know everything with your 79 hours 



41 minutes ago, GrizzlyMan1252 said:

Ahhhh yes I'd love for you to tell me more about how not 1 of all the cops on the server don't want a fed to happen. Please tell me what else you've learned from you 79 hours on cop???

Yes some might get off but that's highly frowned upon but home come when you join the federal reserve channel more join than what log off??? 

But please tell me more since you know everything with your 79 hours 

If I can see it with my 79 hours but you cant with your almost 400 you have an illness

  • Haha 1
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different poseidon


if your gonna remove nlr from therisa you might as well remove it from the entire map its stupid and if your gonna add a thing that gives houses map markers and say its for new players that stupid it cost 1m also aint no new player gonna have a mil instead add a new run for new players and now the 2 apd charges are also stupid as shit and both are sieze vigi also like bruh ur just gonna get ripped for giving cop something u found on someones y thats wild  and then changing strider frontglass to ifrit glass mf at that point just give them damn ifrits your already buffing the shit outta them u might as well also give dep+ mk200's but is what it is kill the server some more

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