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Status Replies posted by DashTonic

  1. If you buy/own the shed that has silver pro inside it you won't like what'll happen if you don't sell it in a timely manner.  

  2. So how will the altis bank payout is it in gold or just money or something new 

  3. You smell like a toe fucking idiot. Go wank your dad somewhere else. You must feel so cool because you are a Admin of a dying game. 

  4. ETA on old athira rebel? 

  5. can we extend shed player scan distance to 600?

  6. has anyone ever made a vehicle?

  7. imagine being so fucking dogshit as a cop that you go to Blackwater Armory and KNOCK EVERY SINGLE WALL DOWN before anyone even tries robbing it just to give yourself an advantage

    1. DashTonic


      It actually easier to do a bw with the walls down

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  8. Cops coming to warzone for every fight its actually so aids...... 

  9. That feeling when you have pressed windows key 10,000 times.


  10. Why does the new police siren sound like a bird?

  11. I wanna know how you guys pick mods tho fr 

    1. DashTonic


      Just now, Dante said:

      Renee isn’t a new mod y’all wild. Just a changed name. 

      why you gotta spoil the confusion

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  12. I wanna know how you guys pick mods tho fr 

    1. DashTonic


      Just now, JuanDeaged said:

      But fr fr who tf is this new nigga Renee 


    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  13. when vigis get a car skin but not rebels..

  14. ETA on donors getting black nvg's

  15. Hey would anyone know where to get an original Anarchist cook book? Book? If you dont know what im talking about. I advise you dont look it up. 

  16. Hey would anyone know where to get an original Anarchist cook book? Book? If you dont know what im talking about. I advise you dont look it up. 

  17. Best experience so far on Olympus has to be tonight, being in a call with duper’s and listening to them scream when the ban hammer came.

  18. When microsoft says you dont own SoT but you just downloaded it because you yoinked a code from TS.

  19. Anyone have any horror movie suggestions on Netflix?

  20. I still have 3 referrals for Division 2 beta, @Sho @DashTonic @Pledge send me your UPLAY usernames or accept my request if already sent so i can send you a code. If not ill pass onto the next lot :)

  21. Anyone that wants to play Division 2 and didnt pre-order or get lucky enough with a beta code but still wants to try it, i can refer 3 friends once beta is live, anyone interested PM me your UPLAY email, first come first serve basis.... FYI 41GB beta lol

  22. Here is 3 free codes to play Sea of Thieves for a short time! you can play in 12 hours when the new update launches.




    They work on Xbox and thru the Microsoft store on PC!

    HMU on the forums if you want to plays on pc.

  23. Please add a armed blackfish, 85% of the people who buy them crash them within 10 minutes anyways.

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