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Hot Pocket

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Everything posted by Hot Pocket

  1. I don't think people really care that you give them luck when you start a gang...

  2. People arnt going to be able to pick their own gang if they have good players. Other captains will be smart and take them. If their gang members are shit then why does it matter... There loss
  3. hey, they let you back on the forums!
  4. So @Arigato and I had an Idea. Instead of having a regular gang wars there would be a couple of captains. These captains would have a list of players they can choose from (people who enroll to be in gang wars). So basically it would be a fantasy draft. This could be streamed and have a whole event made up out of it. I think this could be a cool idea, thoughts? @Corporal_moob

    Pssssst, it already started and they have cookies :pog:

  6. ehhhh, Congrats @Strikke on mod! Maybe you can give up knitting now? 

    1. Strikke


      Look at my room name :)

  7. Hot Pocket

    Selling CSAT

    HI Dez!
  8. Officially resigned from the R&R. Always going to appreciate what it has done for me. They got some great people over there and they're only going to get better.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. BlackJack
    3. silton


      21 minutes ago, Dante Fleury said:

      @falcon Not sure how the R&R is dying. They continue to improve regularly and have no signs of slowing down. Not sure if that is directed at me or Hot pocket, but Hot pocket barely has CPL minutes so im not sure how it comes off that he wants sapd. 

      Quote the park where he said r&r is dying. the only reason r&r isnt dead is kavala skats and not having defibs. tbh i also think he just stepping down because windows keying dead bodys isnt as good as shooting thing 

    4. Main


      1 hour ago, DashTonic said:

       i haven't gotten drunk in a few months :D

      I still got the clip :Kappa:

  9. Life comes at you fast 


  10. Can he be a sheet God... didn't think so
  11. Bait cars are my new favorite thing on cop. What a great addition.

    1. Scribble


      what are bait cars?

    2. -dante-


      6 hours ago, TehJellyDonut said:

      what are bait cars?


  12. Congrats @DeadPool1337! Dreams do come true, unless you're Snipez...

    1. Hot Pocket

      Hot Pocket

      Shit, I didn't even see you got Sergeant @Stuart... congrats

    2. Stuuurrt


      FeelsBadMan... Thanks though :P

    3. CHEECH


      ayy fuq snipez XD

  13. @Dante Fleury 

    " @Mercury told me I could of been a Coord but I'm to busy being the plug" 


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Tman15tmb


      Never tag a dead dude. That is rude..

    3. -dante-



    4. Arigato


      I was getting hangry

  14. For anybody wondering, yes, @Dante Fleury and I met on Tinder.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. darn fool

      darn fool

      I actually respect this 

    3. DeadPool


      I met @lou25000 and CatsMoew on Tinder XD

    4. -dante-


      What the fuck is this lmao 

  15. "Civ life is dead" 

    Hey, lets all join the same gang! 

    that's exactly how you revive civ life... 

    1. ScreaM


      the most accurate thing I have ever read

    2. Snare


      let's all join the same gang and only fight if we can defend if we have 15 or more people on more like.

  16. Are you seriously eating me rn? You make me sick!
  17. Don't mess with Dante when he gets angwy! @Domo Arigato
  18. I think @Dante Fleuryis done with promotions for a bit

  19. @Dante Fleury got Sergeant. #FakeNews 

  20. Make one post? 


  22. When Nikoteen gets civ rep I'm going to have a great time saying I told you so.

    1. -dante-


      Even if nikoteen wins, moob is still pretty cemented at #1. So for any reason nikoteen should fail as a good civ rep, a proven civ rep is still doing work. That's the beauty of having 2. (Inb4 bill and nikoteen get over 100 votes each)

  23. Why don't we vote on new mods every month to make sure we like what they are doing? I'll just sit in Kavala and make people vote for Dangus :P

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. J O E

      J O E

      Wow mate, That's too far

    3. Dangus


      no need to vote every month, just make me mod for good.

  24. Moob and Orgando have done a pretty good job as doc reps, i don't think it makes sense to have a vote for new ones.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hot Pocket

      Hot Pocket

      Or someone could sit in Kavala and say vote for me or die...

      Civ* lol

    3. -dante-


      ^ then you can vote and just vote for whoever you want to and just tell them you voted for them. 

    4. silton


      3 hours ago, Hot Pocket said:

      Or someone could sit in Kavala and say vote for me or die...

      Civ* lol

      @Tommy Wiseau Not us ;) 

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