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Status Replies posted by Cadetbus

  1. Hey bud whats ur ip

    1. Cadetbus


      @Vac.Listen here nig I work for Microsoft don't taunt me 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. To clear up the recent drama on my ban

    I was originally permed for making a pulldown and selling in for in game money. It is not deniable, that is what I got banned for. I made an effort to get unbanned, and I brought it up to @Grandma Gary to get him on my unban. I was lucky enough to be unpermed. I did not know why I so easily got unbanned at first, but I didn't question it. 

    My unperm only happened because of the evidence that was against me was deleted.

    A month or so after I have been unpermed, @Peter Long and the rest of the staff find out I was unbanned, which should not originally even happened. The only reason I was unpermed was because of a miscommunication within the staff. The rest of the admins ( @Dante and @Peter Long) wanted to correct the error they had made, which was find the evidence against me still it existed out there somewhere, and reinstated the ban on me. 

    Yes, it is quite unfortunate on my side of what happened, because it gave me a false hope; but at the same time, I understand the error that was made. There's literally nothing I can do at this point to be unbanned, what happened has happened. No matter how much the admins "want" to unban me, they can't because they want to be consistent with their bans. If one gets unpermed, the rest get unpermed.

    I am in complete understanding of the actions the Olympus staff have taken, and I do not have a position to argue with it at this point. The ONLY way I can get unbanned, is if Olympus changes their policy on bans, which is near impossible.

    I am writing this to be completely transparent of what really happened, and to not have anyone wrongly angered at the Olympus staff for the decisions they have made to reinstate my ban. 

    @Dawn @Zurph @DetoX21 @Ignis @McDili @Heathen @Invu @Harles @Aunt Jemima @Panda :) @Jesse @Vac. @GHOSTK1LL3R

    1. Cadetbus


      @Ignis has a point scripts ruin fun, isn't it bad enough most people have access to pulldowns now.

    2. (See 46 other replies to this status update)

  3. I'm sorry for any feeling I hurt recently! No toxicity for a week from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Cadetbus


      So you're not gonna punch two holes in your wall?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. If anyone wants to come to tridents Karoke night you are welcome. The ts is trident.teamspeak3.com

    1. Cadetbus


      4 minutes ago, Apathy said:

      I thought you were dead xd

      I am dead, I quit arma 

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  5. hey so  i have this problem with arma when ever i go full auto or some else guoes to spray at me that my game with ethier freeze for a second or drop frames, anyone know a fix to this? i might just need a intel cpu

    1. Cadetbus


      9 minutes ago, KrispyKreme said:


      Lower audio sources to 16 fixed my issue and if that doesn't help then install arma on a SSD.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. What is the meaning in life? I believe that the meaning in life is to find the meaning of life. Anyone else got other views

    1. Cadetbus


      Tbh just think there is no point other than to exist and the make the most of life, if you're trying to get at am I depressed? The answer is no

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  7. What is the meaning in life? I believe that the meaning in life is to find the meaning of life. Anyone else got other views

    1. Cadetbus


      Depressing as it is I just think that's the true meaning of our lives.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  8. What is the meaning in life? I believe that the meaning in life is to find the meaning of life. Anyone else got other views

    1. Cadetbus


      I believe there is no meaning in life, we just exist and we just have to make the most of our lives.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  9. Who wants to join our minecraft faction? 

  10. nice try guys. 

    1. Cadetbus


      You on about people abusing the hunters?

  11. Anyone selling any S2 Dp 22 or 23 houses?

    1. Cadetbus


      43 minutes ago, Main said:

      2.5m and its yours


      1.5 mil and we're done.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. Anyone selling any S2 Dp 22 or 23 houses?

    1. Cadetbus


      15 minutes ago, Main said:

      Dp22 2 crate  


      13 minutes ago, housekitty said:

      im also selling dp22 2 crate


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  13. Can we have a ping cap of like 300 to stop people running around with 600/700ping taking shots like they are nothing.

    1. Cadetbus


      You wouldn't be on the server if this happened you Scottish bellend, but I like China number one

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  14. Titans of the day


    1. Cadetbus


      Daniel if anything you should know because you live in the hills.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  15. Titans of the day


    1. Cadetbus


      It was an inside joke but some people just can't help themselves 

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  16. @rp slayer uses minecraft macros ban him for third parties 

    1. Cadetbus


      As his Minecraft wife, I can confirm he does use macros.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  17. IS THIS A MEME OR ?????

    The ECDL (Europe Computer Driving License) certification is a highly recognised qualification, it offers you a key recognition of your literacy in computer skills and is designed for novices or casual computer users and will get you to a high computer literacy standard. The ECDL Certification is the fastest growing IT user qualification in over 125 countries, with many UK companies setting the ECDL as a mandatory requirement, such as the NHS and the Police Service of Northern Ireland.

    1. Cadetbus


      I guess half of the United kingdom has autism.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. IS THIS A MEME OR ?????

    The ECDL (Europe Computer Driving License) certification is a highly recognised qualification, it offers you a key recognition of your literacy in computer skills and is designed for novices or casual computer users and will get you to a high computer literacy standard. The ECDL Certification is the fastest growing IT user qualification in over 125 countries, with many UK companies setting the ECDL as a mandatory requirement, such as the NHS and the Police Service of Northern Ireland.

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