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Everything posted by TheRealKyle

  1. new computer new me

    1. PoptartRex


      About time you came out of the closet.

  2. I'd honestly like for anyone to name 1 valid exploit that skewed these numbers so hard it warrants a reset. The 2 I can think of both were resolved very quickly and the points that were exploited were taken away. It blows my mind that you release this system promising this market, then after people have grinded for months in anticipation, you considering taking it away for no good reason. Don't give me the bull shit about killing in restraints. Staff explicitly said this would be okay, then changed there mind sometime later, therefor, THOSE POINTS ARE LEGITIMATE YOU APES The fact is that some people have more free time to play the game, or spend a lot of time on the game compared to others. I haven't been able to play Arma for about 2 months due to computer issues (new computer due in about a week) and do you see me complaining about my amount of warpoints compared to others? No. I earned those. You earn what you work for. People play this game for hours a day at cartels getting these warpoints. They should be rewarded. They didn't exploit (if they had they would've been caught. and like above, the points would have been deducted.) So please, anyone. Show me 1 person in that top list of names who exploited (legitimately) for their warpoints. 1 person. Oh you can't.
  3. dab on them haters xdxd shitpost skrt skrt
  4. 3 Rip : No Proof Rusty: Different ban Both: Irrelevant to argument
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Orgondo


      42 minutes ago, Tiger said:

      It's all about the  block face club

      Block Face Niggas ride or die

    3. Augustus
  5. b20ef248fd19afcf7871de1417e1c4cb.png

    1. -dante-


      Jesus fuckin' Christ. 

    2. FlapJack


       Free tip: Guns are mostly not allowed on school campus, or a plane, if you can find out how to get one in either of them you can have an enormous amount of leverage.

  6. >loves server >exploits and abuses If ya'll loved the server as much as you said you did you'd report shit like this rather then abuse it. but that's none of my business.
  7. Congrats @Dante Fleury R&R to the APD: 


  8. i just wanna let eneryone in this community know that i love u aasll equality and ur all good poeple 

  9. rich chigga gonna blow up now


    1. Pledge


      I propose an emergency edit to the APD song of the week

  10. after all this time this meme still lives. jesus christ.
  11. Aslong as its Altis and no funny business. Stick with what works.
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