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Status Replies posted by Bloodmoon

  1. Yeeeeaaaah... making the blackfish 800k was a good idea :unsure:

  2. http://prntscr.com/iytfsx


    damn you can do a lot with -20,000,000 rep be toxic and you can get everything :P

  3. 10/10 Coms should be disabled on restart.. I think i'm deaf now.

  4. Anyone wanna help me write a 5 page paper that was due last Friday?

  5. Nice to see Moob's gang who has been around for years still dogshit at the game... Yikes

  6. Nice to see Moob's gang who has been around for years still dogshit at the game... Yikes


  8. Reinstate EatMeth!

  9. Do you kno dae wae?

  10. R.I.P. to @I Am Fuzzy 's stream. This mans just took a live ban in the name of the Olympus Community challenges

  11. You know, maybe if some of you POs played on OUR APD and not on new servers trying to get a high rank, then you wouldn't be POs.......

  12. You know, maybe if some of you POs played on OUR APD and not on new servers trying to get a high rank, then you wouldn't be POs.......

  13. @HamOfMoose

    I'm so sorry but thanks.


    It is put up in a safe place. :D

  14. Fucking Rats. 

    God Bless America

  15. @Ron u deserved it @Hot Pocket Dante fucking gave it to u 




                                                                           just kidding congrats

  16. the only bad part about being a web dev major is immediately going reee when you see someones site was made in wordpress

  17. Selling armed qilin 3 mil

  18. I don’t join your gang so you DDoS me, good job. Don’t join complexity ts @Tom

  19. yung men of altis part 3 in production here is a sneak peak from one of our clips. 



  20. guys lil peep is dead

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