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Everything posted by Bloodmoon

  1. APD is probably the least powerful at federal events than ever before. BW currently has an 88% winrate, and fed has a 76% winrate.
  2. DB council had a good run. Also, someone change my main tag to APD thanks.

  3. Damn, maybe medic will stop being a shit faction now.

  4. >813 hours on Olympus >New player Choose one.
  5. RDM someone and you get banned for RDM. What did you expect lmao??
  6. Better that than betting.
  7. Let us use hex icons on cop.

    1. SPBojo


      All factions****** 😠

    2. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      just get better

  8. Yes it does cause it either poofs in from cop or feds cause runs are dogshit, and no one besides new players will waste time doing them, and for good reason.
  9. Heard they hand out sapd to braindead deputies and PO's on archetype, looks like you'll fit right in.
  10. Selling armed huron 8m

  11. Each like to this status update increases the number of times I blow up Nobles shed by 1.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Orgondo


      @Skys It is extremely common for 1 charge to not do it. Trust me, I'm very experienced with sheds. Just ask Trident how fun it was to lose their sheds on all servers for 2 weeks straight.

    3. Skys


      Ahh ive only blown up noble shed 10 times maybe i got lucky 

    4. Blueangelman36


      Selling sheds for y'all to blow up: 


  12. 63aa1e3be5e55b0a64ccde630b1b8b69.gif

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Monks


      bohemia fuckin up the game to get ready for arma 4????

    3. Mighty


      @Monks just how apple fucks with the iphones

    4. ThatNerdyGuy
  13. Anyone know why my mic doesn't work ingame? It works everywhere else and I've tried running steam as admin and validating files.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bloodmoon


      Mic I'm using is set as default, earlier my mic wasn't working when I was tabbed into any game, but I updated windows and I could talk in TS while tabbed in a game again, but talking ingame still doesn't work, also tested it on csgo and doesn't work there either.

    3. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      To be honest chief I have no clue. Sorry I couldn’t help.

    4. Bloodmoon


      Changed mic ports and it works now.

  14. >Shoot guy in the head with a rook >Officer the taser script bugged out!
  15. b63a1bc465bd3f9729efef3a1ed381e6.jpg

    1. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Poor cars can be just as nice and fast as white cars!

    2. swrvy


      poor grandpa has alzheimers


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