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Everything posted by bummm

  1. All these new gen players bitching and complaining SMH

  2. Happy 7th birthday @i chop hatchbacks





  3. My brain is operating on a whole different level. I am predicting the future.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bummm


      I just did 2 gbs and ate some chicken tendies. About to do a few more gbs

    3. Millennium
    4. Linka


      we taking gbs????

  4. bummm


    Love you buddy . Good luck in life
  5. I already won, yall can stop even trying
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Evannnnn


      can i get scripts @Birb

    3. Birb


      @Ryan got it from my daily prayers and blood sacrifices

    4. Birb


      @Ryan I’ll make an instructional video on how to preform the blood sacrifices and prayers if you’re confused

  6. Happy birthday black guy @gaz

    1. buckie


      The only black guy on Olympus is @Crenshaw 

    2. Rossco
    3. gaz


      thank you, also I nominated Crenshaw for corp and filibustered to get him support team, so I basically get the pass

  7. o7 @NokiaStrong send me some of those selfies with Santa next Christmas❤️ 

  8. bummm


    Just ignore this guy he is status
  9. Just got some quick things to say...

    Obviously everyone knows what part I took in the coup. I was genuinely sorry for the way it was done and I expressed that to ChristopherGangGang. You can call me a rat, talk shit behind my back, or say whatever you want. I can't change what I did in the past and people just need to get over it, its old news. 

    In the past weeks I have said some rude things to @rabid and I would like to apologize once again.

    Yall can make fun of this post as much as you want but i'm honestly done with all the drama so count me out.

    To any other haters just know that i'm just here to play some dogshit game and attempt to have some fun. We don't have to be friends but we don't have to be going at each others necks all the time.

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Orgondo


      I don’t even know you because you had no name when I was around. But straight up don’t even trip over trying to have a clean slate or anything in the community that is left here. Damn near everyone is a rat or has an agenda. Respect means nothing compared to what it used to. Play the game and try to have fun on your terms.

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