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Everything posted by ItsGG

  1. Exactly how and when was this fixed? Lethal money is slightly more consistent than it used to be, but is not fixed. I have lethaled 1mil+ multiple times and got jack shit :/ 30k lethals here we come! Well looks like I'll be loading tasers at rebels and warzone cause thats how I'm making more money and that's exactly what every civ on warzone wants
  2. Is that going to happen within this update? Or are we going to have to bare a month of 30k lethal money?
  3. wtf why did the cop lethal cap get reduced back to $200,000 again?? 

  4. I would like to get EFT but have heard some things about it...was wondering if the game is worth getting?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. NokiaStrong
    3. KrispyK


      the game is hardcore and BS at the sametime. i traded my copy for an alt

    4. Regal


      Me Deadpool and Poseidon had a lot of fun with it

  5. send noodes

    1. Savage


      i mean if u want mine than sure but remember my age...

    2. ItsGG


      age is only a number

    3. Orgondo


      Add my snap to see wonders then bby

  6. Lebronto :(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ItsGG


      lebron owns the raptors lmao its too painful to cheer for the raps against him 

    3. Phizx


      I didn't even expect them to play this bad against Lebron, I was just betting based off the fact that raptors have never not choked in the playoffs

    4. ItsGG


      they get over hyped smh


  7. 53f4010387b2717591f104af41f98048.gif


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MAV
    3. DeadPool


      When arma hates you so much it decided to RKO you

    4. Kurt


      next time wear your seatbelt

  8. why do all my youtube videos keep having this problem? 

    2522596177c9d6328b782a168d81cedd.png green screen but i can hear audio plz help

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jester


      When did this start happening?

    3. ItsGG


      like today, it just fixed wtf

    4. QKSILVR73


      @DashTonic , well he did say  "why do all my youtube videos keep having this problem?  " :?:

  9. Its hard to give feedback to our civ reps on a poll if we delete the whole thread...

    1. -dante-


      OP asked for it to be deleted. This wasnt a staff decision. 

    2. DeadPool


      steam msg me 

    3. Google


      I have Steam and a Forums account that you can message me on.

      Just message Deadpool and I in a single Convo.

  10. Happy birthday to the big man himself @Zurph! Most active gang leader I know

  11. sold mine for 4mil lol but that was just cause the guy didnt know their market value
  12. @Hurricane My son, I'm proud of you. Now you can pull your own goddam planes lmaoo

  13. Rotor tapping is fun...just not on cop
  14. Looking to get a summer job anyone got any suggestions?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. DeadPool


      If you work for Amazon expect to be worked fully for your pay. Im still trying to get on with them and walmart. If possible for Amazon get in the Sorting or Logistics division. Easiest job there. All you have to do is sort by zip code and size. Walmart night time shifts make a few bucks more. 

      One of my friends in Tampa worked the night time shift for 2 years as part time now hes is a night time manager making nearly 70k a year. His next promotion is 120k a year.

    3. N7Zero


      Big IQ man jesse with his connections :DPEducated:

    4. ItsGG


      @DeadPool yea the job at amazon was for a receiver, but I have heard sorting at amazon is bless af. 70k a year is nice hopefully your friend doesnt work too hard, I currently work part time retail and my managers get paid well but their jobs are too demanding and stressful for the pay imo

  15. Damn. Your ass got whooped by math. 1+1=get fukt
  16. f779712b49f54918be8a6d1018ac2337.png what happened?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MrB1


      Not mentioning names butttttt

    3. Bloodmoon


      I want a civ rep that will fight every APD change that aides the APD 

    4. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      I love you bloodmoon. 

  17. Happy birthday @bigPat! Haven't seen your old ass in time:(

  18. Isnt that the point of the forums tho? lol
  19. I heard switching to passenger is a good way to start
  20. Sooooo armed planes follow ghost hawk rules but can engage any ground vehicle as well? So if im not in a vehicle I'm safe from the armed plane if I don't shoot at it?
  21. Question time is sacred. And you can't break client confidentiality!
  22. *sigh* Next time some kid shoots my tires out cause he didnt see this rule get clarified on the second page of a random post I'm coming straight to you.
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