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Everything posted by ItsGG

  1. Can this be put in the rules then please? This has been brought up so many times and every time it was always said shooting tires without engagement is not rdm nor bannable and I think a lot of the older players still believe that so if staffs opinion on this has changed can we get it in the rules?
  2. I have heard shooting tires is not rdm and does not engage the people shooting the tires however if someone were to shoot your tires you could get out and shoot them as they are shooting your vehicle hence you're engaged with them but they still need to engage on you even if they are shooting your tires. Stupid rule imo and I personally dont fuck with it cause I don't understand how it makes sense lol
  3. APD cooldown timers during fed events! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

  4. yo fix sofia hq spawns shits aids

  5. Yoooo I’m going for the highest bounty boyyyy
  6. ItsGG


    I think they can cause they were in it but if u get kicked or u were only a trial it looks cringey af when u put it an app. I've been in a gang or two that would look fucking great on an app but left before I was member.
  7. 1e7f44d49032c314a65b79d9c2183a0f.gif






    1. DABESTeva


      I would have alt f4

    2. MrB1


      Yeah cops are too op

    3. QKSILVR73


      Man  you guys need to put some slam mines at entrance LOL

  8. make gang tags required please.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. RogueMK


      ok well if people cant engadge correctly then thats on them its simple, you get engadged by [TREE] but get kiiled by a non tagged tree member then its rdm, record and report.... easy ban... knowing who is roaching from what gang means what exactly? if people want to roach then they gunna roach tagged or untagged, dont feel this makes any difference in your statement here? agreed 'some' peopl use it to skirt engadgement but again, if you engadge on a tagged gang, and then non tagged player enters the area of engagement with people shooting each other youre good to kill him 'IF' he is a threat or is clearly intending to be a threat, IE bearing a weapon raised and ready to shoot etc etc, ofc these are all situational though...

    3. DeadPool


      If they are forced to wear tags that removes like 90% of all what you just said. Also once again if you dont want to wear the tags dont be in the gang. 

    4. Fuzz^
  9. ItsGG

    My time

    o7 [VX] Dangus Dean
  10. @Apathy happy birthday fammm!!:wub::wub:


    1. Apathy


      Thanks babyyy <3333 :wub::wub::wub:

      luv u and the plague boyz

  11. ItsGG

    Math Time

    Wtf is a PEMDAS. I was taught BEDMAS.........waaaaaaaaaa
  12. Happy birthday!! Come backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk plzzzzzzzzzzz

  13. Gonna miss your cute ass, if you ever hop on to play or just wanna chill hmu man <3
  14. d6a4dd4f36b74e31f6ed82274a0db010.png ive restarted pc and cleared steam download cache and idk why i cant download arma update :/

    1. obeymatt


      Delete arma .exe then verify 


  15. More free updates that fuck up the game more instead of arma 4!!!1!!!
  16. I can get ya corp loadouts dirt cheap
  17. Lmk when this bad module stuff gets fixed. Im not going back to 32 bit to get even worse frames than I get now :/

    1. Egnazio


      It's fixed cutie 

    2. ItsGG
    3. N7Zero


      there is no way to fix that shit, i've had it for months now. everytime it occurs i smoke a zoot hoping i dont get banned for combat log.. 

  18. can I plz get my internet rep backkkkkkkkk

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ItsGG


      pretty pleasee

    3. ItsGG


      btw you're not allowed to say "eh". 

    4. -dante-


      You want your e points gone again BUD

  19. About time holyyyyyyyyyy @Egnazio gratz baby kins <3

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