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Everything posted by Tb:)

  1. bUFF.
  2. yes
  3. I dont think so
  4. Buff apd pls
  5. ca88c742dbff95883db9b235e26f011f.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MAV



      34 minutes ago, Ryan said:

      ^ They already know who it is lol


    3. Ravin


      Who the hell would do that:dejaywink:

    4. Slumberjack
  6. Stop flexing on a arma server
  7. Dont get me wrong, id rather fight cartels on asylum then here, Cop entertains me more on Olympus than there.
  8. f5865c59b94b8c9b899c392b98cdebf3.thumb.png.29d748d322b07db150c064ecbb824dd8.png

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tb:)


      @Orgondo That post had me dying

    3. indian


      the shit you were saying about donations was so true.

      If asylum starts pumping updates out, we’re fucked.

    4. Tb:)
  9. the amount of hackers on these damn servers are too damn high

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kamikaze
    3. falcon


      1 hour ago, Benjamin Remer said:

      It's the same little group of people who have the same cheat menu and just buy new arma accounts everytime they get permed


    4. Tb:)


      @ikiled damn who stroked your ego

  10. Tb:)

    After I Quit

  11. I definitely woulda did this
  12. Damn I see they give FTO to anyone now adays. You dont even have to speak English. CONGRATS STRAE :wub: <3333

  13. @SociopathicI fucking miss you brother. Im head banging for you tonight

    Image result for feels sad man

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vcx


      1 hour ago, Jamie said:

      A lot of people dont make it directly obvious or you just know them in one way, it all makes sense once they are gone unfortunately.

      Its crazy to think about but people go to communities like this as a coping mechanism, but were all so rude to each other and constantly focus on negativity to where if someone ever showed they were in that position more than likely someone would just make it worse...pretty much its a shitty world we live in..RIP


    3. -dante-


      I was always a fan of BMTH, but since he passed I listen to them probably at least once a week and can’t help but remember his goofy ass everytime. 

    4. Vcx


      He was chill i miss him, literally the only other guy who had the same favorite games as me lol not a day where I wont miss him

  14. Happy Birthday to my boy VX @Solomon


  15. Gang wars : The Revenge Dos.
  16. Dis mofuqa. Even though you hated me, o7 my friend, had some good times getting roasted by you
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