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Everything posted by Tb:)

  1. d3338d0adec6c3d67037d2e85b633e1c.jpg

    1. monster


      you lose so much i should just bet you, im getting broke now that i dont have vigi no more, fuckin @Jester was a weenie and took it from me, won't even let me rob him pshhh

  2. @Ryan Congrats, well deserved. Only non Toxic one here ;) 

  3. Work today couldn’t be over any slower... 

    1. monster


      Could say that about school every day of the week, didn't know school could make sleeping slow :Kappa:

  4. finally gonna get more than 30 fps all the time https://gyazo.com/a972107fef31f1b28ce09dc12923cd75

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. monster


      1 hour ago, Tb:) said:

      @Theory gtx 1060 3 gb

      Cpu not gpu

    3. Tb:)
  5. APD Wins Again!!!!

  6. Ladies and Gentlemen, we have hit a all time low @Decimus




    1. Ryan


      APD wins again?

  7. Man  i thought @rapidaax and @Rossco were the same person. Fuck. Congrats

    1. Rossco


      Thanks brotherrrrrrr

  8. Does anyone know why it takes so long to load into the server? I tried verifying and restarting nothing lol. Ive been at this screen for like 10 minutes

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tb:)


      @MAV @Xlax Check the box on the launcher saying "Play without a squad" And legit i joined the server in 2 seconds. Thanks MAV it worked! Love you. 

    3. Xlax


      ight thanks, but I'd rather wait the few seconds I guess 

    4. MAV


      :) yeah I'm not sure why it lags the login so much... But like a year ago I pulled my hair out waiting 10 min to join Everytime until I disabled squad image (used to be called squad url or some shit)

      1 minute ago, Xlax said:

      ight thanks, but I'd rather wait the few seconds I guess 

      Weird thing I've noticed is once you join with it disabled you can join again with it on with no isses for awhile 

  9. @mon5t3r dont unrestrain that damn civ again xD 

    Happy birthday bud

  10. Tb:)


    fuck you you stole 8 mil from that tic tac toe
  11. Tb:)


    im -25 mil
  12. Solo Catch5415f27e3d7a785d4bf1b08350788183.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. last


      wow maybe now you can afford to pay me back 

    3. yung matt
    4. KrispyK


      That army training coming in clutch

  13. can someone help me ? my windows key doesnt work anymore. i restarted and still no luck. what is the custom key to rebind it?>

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lukeee


      some keyboards have a key on it that can deactivate the windows key, there is one on my keyboard and I accidentally pressed it and couldn't figure out why my windows key wasn't working.

    3. Tb:)


      22 minutes ago, Lukeee said:

      some keyboards have a key on it that can deactivate the windows key, there is one on my keyboard and I accidentally pressed it and couldn't figure out why my windows key wasn't working.

      YEAH my dumb ass hit a "GAMER" mode on my razer keyboard. Its fixed now but im retarded lol

    4. thor


      User action 10

  14. what is is this?


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. silver
    3. GregoV1


      My corporal rank lies there. Please don't step on it, thanks.

    4. Mako


      Yeah tried removing the tree concrete base thing and after a couple hours testing scripts and doing redesigns in different areas I honestly couldn't be bothered. Now its a grave for all the niggas that have been RDM'd in that HQ.

  15. im 3/3 right now lol i just won another
  16. 100% win rate
  17. When i altF10 and go to look fior the clip it isnt there please help

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NokiaStrong


      Check your outputs folder in the settings 

    3. Tb:)


      2 minutes ago, Grego said:

      Update your drives


      1 minute ago, NokiaStrong said:

      Check your outputs folder in the settings 

      i MEAN IT like clips but it only clips certain parts

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      The naming system Share uses is truely awful.  I have Arma clips in 3 different folders cause it randomly decides it's time for a new folder CAUSE WHY THE FUCK NOT.  Luckily Windows lets you sort shit in a way that isn't completely retarded <3

  18. TuRfS
  19. Well, I got to work 30x harder :) fun

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