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Legacy VIP
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Everything posted by Prime

  1. Charcoal or propane?
  2. Vans are just aids 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PoptartRex


      40 minutes ago, Dangus said:

      I’d like to know how that spike strip got there and how y’all ain’t dea.

      Shoutout to blacklisted deputy on that one

    3. Dangus


      48 minutes ago, TheCmdrRex said:

      Shoutout to blacklisted deputy on that one

      LOL that’s a phatty rip right there

    4. proud


      @TheCmdrRex funny part is in training, the sergeant says "DONT TAKE IT OUT AND SWING IT, THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DO" then a deputy proceeds to die.

      I don't think he got the concept xD

  3. @Blue & I got that tag team coordination on R6S Outbreak  


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NokiaStrong


      When did that come out?

    3. DashTonic



      The operators that came out are op

    4. destruct


      Heyyy let me join

  4. Damn i'm on here twice brace yourselfs
  5. @McDili Im just gonna leave this here


    1. Africa


      @McDili thats the type of talent we need for ymoa4 

    2. Lemon


      @McDili xD good shit made my day, and for @Prime love the editing 

    3. Unjo


      That viper helmet be worth 100m though

  6. Have a nice birthday Peter and enjoy this premium o7 cakeIMG_6134.JPG

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      He could take the entire cake no problem.

  7. Happy birthday miyagi

    1. Arigato


      omg og name, love ya buddy thanks

  8. Hey Peter so with the gang warehouses is it based on what rank you are in the gang or can everyone get access to it? Also can rank 4 buy warehouses or just the leader?13962604_1101373573233972_5561404215279499655_n.png

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vincent Jacobs

      Vincent Jacobs

      @Augustus  @tkcjesse has already said he will not be using the key idea and it will be accessed through gang ranks exclusively   (as far as I know he's said)

    3. Augustus


      They should allow the leader to give keys to people that originally can't access crates or y inventory and that allows them too, but you'd automatically be able to if you were the certain rank.

    4. bigPat


      With this update, gang ranks themselves need to be fixed. 
      Rank 3 is still messed up. You can still kick/invite and access gang funds, when I belive you are only meant to be able to kick/invite. 

  9. I think there should be Banks in the major cites. So like 5 cops would have to be on to try to defend it. it would be like a small fed or something
  10. Happy Birthday Goodman



    [KP] Prime Aka Copenhagen 

  11. Lol this is great
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