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Everything posted by Jaster



    1. Jaster


      livestream just went down when it was over

  2. Does anyone know if the full gillie suit bug is fixed?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MAV


      Really? I'll have to do some testing

    3. JAMIE
    4. SPBojo


      its working now dw

  3. Happy Birthday @Zurph. Best gang leader raf,750x1000,075,t,fafafa:ca443f4786.u2.

    1. Zurph
    2. Jaster


      @ZurphI'll be back from college and on my pc on the 11th. You still playing that mmo Viking game?

  4. This new tanks dlc is werid af. The strider and ifrit sounds and handling are fucked and the new AAF apc is a fucking armored go cart.

  5. I can't list a favorite song so here are my top 3 in no order:
  6. i like how i said this and you disliked my comment, makes sense
  7. I want more video games!
  8. I'm ready for gang wars.


    1. Savage


      i would say the same

    2. Jaster


      @Savage wish i could play in it :(

    3. sin


      Im on roster but I literally I'm in LA now and am trying to figure out how to please my family and play on my laptop lamoooo 

  9. who is commentating with @Peter Long
  10. Jaster


    #FreeElements I'm not going to comment on if prime should be unbanned or not but I really miss fighting against them. Nowadays the only gangs I ever see in fights are BW and TI.
  11. Easy to get shot out of, wheels are easy to shoot out, slower, no smokes
  12. A freshspawn with surfer clothes can tank at least one rook shot but a gillie suit can't? I sure hope it's a bug and not intentional
  13. I came here for the expert nunu gameplay.
  14. No love for quizlet?
  15. I'm still excited for it. I watched the last gang wars from start to finish and I am going to try to do that again for this one.
  16. 144 Cuphead
  17. you know cable companies have agreements between eachother right? the same can happen with ISPs
  18. 200
  19. 87
  20. @Peter Long You and @G.O.A.T. did an amazing job casting. I watched the entire thing and had a blast. Can't wait for next gang wars.
  21. The mystical moon man videos were great! He would act as a reporter and would make some amazing videos. Too bad he deleted his channel.
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