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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. Ryan

    Civ Ideas

    Already working on that one chief
  2. hes not unbanned on the servers... just the forums ?
  3. Happy Birthday ?

    1. F U L T

      F U L T

      Thank you Ryan its nice to cause it also about one year on Olympus.

  4. I can see where you misunderstood this, so ill further explain. My statement wasn't stating that this situation was "swept under the rug", it was basically a small summary without giving out too much detail. What I meant by this is, we dont condone the accused actions, no matter who it is. If someone is caught doing this, we will deal with them appropriately, aka a Perm ban and a removal from their position. If someone in the current positions were actually doing what they were accused to be doing, then they wouldn't be in those positions anymore, simple as that. We arent "waiting to get shut down", we have been contacting Bohemia regarding the situation for the last week, and have yet to receive a response from them. Once this situation was brought to light to us, myself and all the seniors, as well as Rex have looked into it all together and came to our result. I promised full transparency, and so far I think I have stuck to that very well. Regarding everything that you guys have missed out on, well again, I have been waiting to hear on Bohemia to give me their response. I don't like to publicly out details while a situation is on going. What actually happened - To be announced soon What happened in the meeting - We discussed the disagreements the staff had internally with some decisions and promotions, and after the discussion has finished the staff have decided to step down from their position due to those same disagreements. Why did staff go rogue - I mean... Those staff only made meme videos and posts like every player on here... What happened to the forums and servers cant be placed on all the retired staff Why did Jesse take down Asylum forums - I got no idea timing was just perfect I guess lol Why does hadi's profile not exist anymore - Also got no idea I had no part in it Why are staff receiving threats - Only person to receive a threat was ikiled... Guess someone isnt a big fan of him So like I said im gonna go more into detail on everything in the near future, but tldr if we banned every person for sending money within logs to others then we wouldnt have players on the server lol, video was also edited to make us look bad TBH.
  5. I’m sure you guys are tired of constant posts so I’ll put this in status updates. On behalf of myself and the Administration team I’m going to formally apologize for any unwarranted forum moderation or administrative action taken on anyone within this last week. As you can imagine tensions were high and everyone was going at each other. Some actions weren’t justified, and as a person with a higher position we should be held to a higher standard with what we have. Will make sure that if something like this happens in the future again, we will deal with it better on our end. Apologize for the inconvenience. 

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. hawk


      @Outcast Wow you're scary

    3. TapTap


      @Outcast Same thing as last time? You ban the guy then we expose you on the forums and then get 5mill comp and unbanned? Sounds like ez money to me. 

  6. ^ this Just the way the new invision is, nothing we can do about it
  7. Based on the information we have you should be fine. If you want to change passwords its up to you, but we chilling as of now ?
  8. A detailed post will be made later on Olympus's situation and standing. Everything should be up and running however, only thing we lost is profile pictures and banners. Thank you guys for your patience ?
  9. Whelp boys... This week has been one HELL of a shit show. Between the broken features, to gang wars, to now this. I will start this post off by just taking the blame... As owner any decision that needs to be made is difficult no matter how big or small mainly cause it effects all of the community and will always look back on me. So lets begin by responding to a few things you guys seen happen this week that I have not addressed publicly. I try not to bring my personal life to Olympus, but I am all for transparency on here so... ya... This week, between college, work and the passing of my grandfather I have been mostly MIA. Everytime something came up, I haven't been home. Gang Wars, I worked on to the best of my ability, but couldnt do with the limited time I had. Dealing with people, and situations was nearly impossible for me. By the time I got to anything the damage has been done. I'd like to say that im trying to fix it but clearly a lot of the community, retired staff included, has lost their faith in me. I dont blame them, but I wish I was given more of a chance as opposed to what seemed like demands. Now I dont only have the challenge of rebuilding staff, but also gaining everyone's trust back. Gonna be one of the most difficult things possibly anyone has to do on Olympus, but I guess its what has to be done. I also want to address the elephant in the room... I SEE YOUR CONCERNS. I have been watching the forums, seeing the complaints and issues and have been addressing them in a way that wouldnt screw more shit up. Although I know its difficult too now, id like to ask some of you trust me when I say im handling it... I have always enjoyed Olympus, loved the community no matter how toxic it was, and put in my best effort into making it better. I was willing to do anything to keep it going, even start paying developers out of donations instead of sitting on money I didnt deserve. I try to not make biased decisions, and try to keep things running smoothly. Im a little over 2 months into ownership, im still learning. Thankfully I got Peter and McDili around to help guide me through situations, kind of like yesterday, but I do try to do some things on my own without them. As for what happened yesterday with the staff... Well as you can imagine, most of you saw that we recently promoted rapidaax to SA. A lot of people did not like that decision, and felt like they wanted to make a statement regarding it. I dont blame them, I can see some of the points that were made to me in our last minute meeting we held last night. Unfortunately, the meeting took a turn in which they did not enjoy, so instead they decided they didnt want to be part of the administration anymore. I got no hard feelings, and hope to see them stick around on the server. But id like to let that group know that I am looking back at a lot of what was said, and will try to change the image they perceived. I would also like to thank the people that were part of the administration, whether you hate them or love them their work and dedication to the server will definitely not go unnoticed. Olympus right now is in a rough spot, one in which I do not think will be easy to get out of. Changes are coming soon, and I see the everything everyone is saying. If you want me to answer any additional questions or concerns... and I mean serious ones... you can always PM me or find me in teamspeak.
  10. Give us a bit. Got to sort through about 110 people for it.
  11. Not much more I can do other then apologize. Hope that the cartel event was worth the temporary substitution to the real thing. Gonna definitely handle it better for this rescheduled date. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jimmy Jarvis

      Jimmy Jarvis

      @Ryan when is the 1mil and 100 wp being handed out 

    3. rapidaax


      5 minutes ago, Jimmy Jarvis said:

      @Ryan when is the 1mil and 100 wp being handed out 

      ill see if I can get the pids in a sheet and try to do it in the next few hours

    4. Jaster


      I would say give mass quillins out but keep frits to a minimum. 

  12. So Gang Wars is going to be rescheduled to a different date. Instead, we will be opening up a server to a “day of cartel” event. We will be giving you money, warpoints, and vehicles to duke it out on cap. I will work with the event coordinators to get a new date ASAP for gang wars. Likely next weekend. As compensation for today, not only will we be running the cartel event we will also be giving 100 warpoints, and a mil to everyone who was in the list to participate. I’m sorry for the inconvenience, and we will try our best to fix this. Also, thank you @rapidaax and @zoomzooooooom for working on the alternative for today and compensation.
  13. *takes out the whip* bitch get back to work
  14. Thanks ill make sure to apply this tomorrow
  15. Need to read what I said bruh lmao Hey wheres our admin @Trenton The God and how do I run a gang wars
  16. Im waiting for the roasts you promised!
  17. In all honesty I feel like this current UI Olympus has is very outdated. I think its time for a change on our look... If we are to do a new UI it wont be a fast update, could take a couple updates till its released considering how much needs to be done. Plus we need to prioritize fixing the current issues we have and pushing a hotfix for all the broken shit atm. So we likely wont have this released for a while. Want to know the communities thoughts, vote plz thanks
  18. This doesn’t even shit on me it shits on ares lmao weak meme
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