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Everything posted by hawk

  1. You have 24 hours to reconsider
  2. The original warzone rebel was very fun to push, don't have a single complaint about it attack and defense wise but it might have been a bit annoying for civs when they came back super fast due to its location, that's the only downside I can think of about the original warzone rebel. As for the siren, I want to try out something new as the current one we have can be better and I wouldn't want the old secondary siren back as it is basically the same as the primary siren
  3. hawk

    [WTS] Cop Gear

    Just rob a corporal
  4. hawk

    [WTS] Cop Gear

    I only used the MX for like a week, and you couldn't rob me in over a month?
  5. hawk

    [WTS] Cop Gear

    And how long ago was that?
  6. hawk

    [WTS] Cop Gear

    I have been using the MK for the past few months now.
  7. Inside look of @Tb:)'s car 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ryan


      Thats actually fucking disgusting @Tb:)

    3. Tb:)


      @Ryan Come on my stream so i can be toxic

    4. bigSMOKE


      surprised he can fit in a car

  8. hawk

    [WTS] Cop Gear

    At least that isn't any of my gear
  9. Looks like I'm joining a career cop gang
  10. @Sho You're such a fucking legend, I appreciate it :wub:


  11. If someone rotor taps you just shoot them as it is considered a hostile action
  12. @an overweight giant retard
    1. Luke Duke

      Luke Duke

      I actually did it without looking at the lyrics. 

  13. sAPD meeting had been cancelled, the hype is over :(

    1. Super_Nova
    2. Millennium
    3. Zurph


      @hawk i took off work for this you cant cancel 

  14. You can also check your play time without being in-game. Go to https://olympus-entertainment.com/stats/ and put your Player ID in the search bar for detailed statistics
  15. Happy birthday @Outcast. hopefully someone buys you a new bong

  16. I was hoping you wrote some suggestions in this post.
  17. Lmao I remember at the end of our bad formation flight @Jordan540 backflipped into another ghosthawk
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