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Panda :)

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Everything posted by Panda :)

  1. Where are the old gangwars streams checked @Peter Long s past  broadcast and didn't find 1:(

    1. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      I never uploaded them :/. Sorry brotha. 

  2. Look for so minecraft players to play factions with.

    1. silton


      Lets be real youre shit no one wants to be in your faction. me , @Turtle and @tmotleybro would destroy you. what sever do you play on?

    2. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      *Sniffles* Cubecraft

    3. Rappy


      Isn't cubecraft a british server though?

  3. I was playing with you like 4 months ago and you were running on a treadmill playing your laptop with a track ball
  4. Says the nigga that plays on a laptop.
  5. Selling bergs up hmu
  6. why does my laugh sound like this on recording


    1. platinumfire


      because thats what you sound like you pterodactyl

  7. am confused why was Nikoteen DQ'D not saying I'm not happy just wanna know why.

  8. @Peter Long so um eta on gang wars?




    i already know the answer "12 units of time"

  9. If any body did anything to cheese I'm bouta fuck dem up cheese is my el negro
  10. its 5 am and I have to wake up at 10 to go to my grandparents not looking forwards to another lecture because I fell asleep in the middle of a day :(

    1. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      Slitting my wrist as we speak

    2. -dante-


      My entire family/friends just accept that I am likely not alive until 2pm or later. Life is much easier when they accept you're a bat or something 

  11. Who tf is in your profile pic?

    1. RubberDuck


      @Panda :) it kinda looks like G-Easy or whatever...

    2. BlackJack


      16 minutes ago, RubberDuck said:

      @Panda :) it kinda looks like G-Easy or whatever...

      It is.

    3. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      Of you or G-Easy?


  12. You tryna link up? Can confirm cheese is a very handsome gentlemen he needs his iPad in the mirror next time xd jk love you cheese
  13. You quoted him when he said "I'm broke and can't buy the dlc" and you said "Sound like a personal problem not a Olympus problem" please explain how you aren't being a dick.
  14. No need to be a dick and also Mr. Tucker they could do that easily added but the reason they is because a lot of people including me played the server where the only 7.62 you could buy is the mk18 the way I can tell you to tell he difference right now is if it has a color next to the name like "MK1 EMR (Olive)" or any gun with 2 variants besides the trg and katiba it's a DLC weapon most likely.
  15. Panda :)


    Find the nearest rope and use it buddy you have lied and lied about age and you apparent "skill" you shit tier retard you need to take a seat before you are bullied off of Olympus like you were asylum dumb kid I have just started a war with a 5 year old xd Cut him some slack he doesn't know much about asylum war system because he's never been in a semi decent gang on there he's just tryna bash at the end of the day I know and everyone else knows he's doing it for attention. You keep doing what you are doing Jesse it's working really well in my opinion. You are pissing me off dad
  16. Next montage song which one 



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Randyy


      ill just dig under the plantations with my iron shovel and escape to the north

    3. I Am Fuzzy

      I Am Fuzzy

      Whatever you think is best!

    4. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa


      Don't tell Sammy 

  17. Quit spamming forums black man

    1. I Am Fuzzy

      I Am Fuzzy

      Im almost at 1000 posts fam

  18. ♛ K a v a l a K i n g ♛
  19. That moment when you have to make another mini tage instead of a full one :FeelsBad:

    1. PoptartRex


      Why can't you just wait till you have more clips? No one is forcing you to put out a montage. I am literally working on a coptage with clips from when I was PO. I'd rather see a full montage, with older clips, but quality kills. :P 

    2. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      You dont understand I talk shit to people with old clips I would be a hypocrite

    3. SPBojo


      6 hours ago, TheCmdrRex said:

      Why can't you just wait till you have more clips? No one is forcing you to put out a montage. I am literally working on a coptage with clips from when I was PO. I'd rather see a full montage, with older clips, but quality kills. :P 

      Ur still a PO in my eyes :Kappa::wub:

  20. Don't know if you can read but But it clearly says I'm done
  21. I know I said I was done yea I'm in MC I'm also blacklisted from apd and that's what he mostly play what is the reasoning of me sucking his dick and I barley know him I'm stating facts buddy now I'm pheeeeewwwwwwwwwwww you have autism.
  22. But hes a pillar of the community no matter what you think of him you can talk shit to him no matter what but that doesn't change that hes a pillar of the community also a funny guy you compared to him you are nothing but a ant. I'm gonna stop now before I'm perm moderated again and so people can also debate on this.
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