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Panda :)

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Everything posted by Panda :)

  1. n e c k
  2. @kaleq rumors are age old and not funny anymore. Also I didn't read the 2nd page of this thread but @bw neck retards.
  3. @Hot Pocket Knew it was only a matter of time congrats.

  4. Anyone that knows how to make a good quality logo hmu will pay.

  5. the test is very easy and I think you need at least 80% of the questions correct to pass.
  6. are you special you just admitted to ban evading.
  7. on my laptop the snowflakes are blue and on my desktop pc they are white?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Randyy


      5 minutes ago, Panda :) said:

      those are white youre deaf

    3. PoptartRex


      They are probably the most glitchy feature on the forums.

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      They are blue in Edge and white in Chrome.

  8. Get shitted on. Fuck dark colored people mongolian power
  9. this https://gyazo.com/59e98b026796cbb3dc30ad9d9c229ee2 ?
  10. My problem is that i was playing arma gathering ingredients and i pressed left alt enter which puts your game into windowed mode and it obviously fucked up my fov so i closed my game and went into my documents arma 3 other profiles and my profile and tried to edit it with notepad++ and when i went to fov it was already the calculated numbers fro 85 fov which is 0.75 and 1.3333334 so i just clicked save and started my game back up and my fov was still messed up so i make a new profile and try still the same problem and then i download the program that changes your fov for you and i tried it it still doesnt work i restarted steam my pc and i verified game and sill fucked up anyone have any idea why it is doing this?
  11. Another ex [MC] member joins staff the server is already owned by a ex MC member but anyways congrats @RambleR

  12. Panda :)

    32 bit

    Oh no
  13. error:404 brain machine out of order?
  14. 256
  15. Just become a cop it's free besides the $500 mag you have to buy when you respawn and the cars yea your bounties get split but it adds up to a lot.
  16. if anyone knows how to make logos hmu wanna get one made.

  17. @Fedot happy birthday to the biggest meme.

  18. @Peter Long Has a pubg tournament every been thought about because alot of people in the community including me love pubg and i remember a while back there was a league tournament but it wasn't hosted by you.

    1. Ninjaman427


      Is it even possible to host such a thing?

    2. Strikke


      I have spoken to peter about this in the past and in my opinion would be a cool thing to do. The problem about doing a tournament for pubg is actually getting a private server where only players we want to join can join. Yes there is the custom match feature in game which would be awsome to use but currently and probably for quite some time this feature is only for devs and pubg partners. 



    3. Chickenlittle


      I have emailed them about a PubG server a month or 2 ago and when the option comes up again i think i might be able to get one

  19. He was making mine craft videos with his big dumb idiot brother and filming a MacBook with a iPad.
  21. Good Luck in gang wars tomorrow everyone.

  22. Enter
  23. Was already a thing and nobody played it and a rediculous amount of money was farmed on it.
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