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Status Updates posted by KrispyK

  1. i thought we wernt getting another purge for a long time? outcast been doin them everyday

  2. Please for the love of God tell me that post titled masturbating wasn't what I think  it was got deleted the moment I clicked on it

    1. SPBojo


      Its resident sleeper olympus retard @[Slug] RapidKillz suggesting the ability to wank it ingame.

    2. KrispyK


      Dead ass thought the dude posted a video

  3. Might have to end up selling my PC for rent money. Fuckas want that shit a month before I move in when they said i had to pay it when I move in

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. -dante-


      A co signer usually doesn’t prevent you from needing a deposit. Most apartments need first month/last month and deposit. 

    3. KrispyK


      they tryin to go after college students


      got fucking tanning beds and a yoga room with a giant tv

    4. Edge


      When i moved in my first apartment i had to put down 1200. Life sucks 


  4. when ur tryin to get the easy cop time in but outcast calls purge in kavala and lethals you  :FeelsBad:

  5. @Africa thanks for defending the scat rooftop with my titan b

  6. fr who is view botting me on twitch

    1. ThatNerdyGuy


      How many views did you have?

    2. KrispyK


      1 then jumps to 50 then 1 then 50

      Hey ez sub button

  7. harassing cops while on medic with the boys


  8. 10/10 game. back to fortnite :FeelsBad:


    1. KrispyK


      was dropping frames like crazy for some reason

    2. monster


      PUBG is a great game, dont got any sweaty nerds who just build build build then they hit a lucky shot xd

  9. test stream up, lets gooo @Homicide pubg time boy www.twitch.tv/leviathanpress

  10. Why the fuck is a quilin 100k

    That's stupid priced

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. obeymatt


      12 minutes ago, Dante said:

      You whine more than anyone in the history of Olympus. 

      Ban him 

    3. Ryan


      39 minutes ago, obeymatt said:

      Fair price for an ifrit without glass 


    4. KrispyK


      its not an ifirit hello its the only car not affected by that cringy update

      its not whining if i point out that something is stupid that doesnt affect me

  11. Does anyone know how to fix a Logitech g350 headset if I turn down the mic it turns off so it's always super loud depending on the direction where sound comes from it gets staticy to the point I can't understand people it makes cop severly diffcult to play

  12. When are POS getting orcas and able to raid warzone?

    really sucks that there is a barrier between rebels and cops!


    deadass tho this is so fucking stupid you brought out a window update that everyone hated and they found a way to fix it through rp so you just said fuck it and let them raid the whole house


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Outcast


      Go hide in your house IRL and shoot cops and tell me that they have to call a corporal to come break the door down. OMEGALUL

    3. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      They wait for swat outcast which is kind of equivalent of a Corp, if a guy has a 7.62 rifle cops aren’t gonna rush in they will surround the house and wait for swat to come and tactically go in/bust down the door 

    4. KrispyK


      We really about to pull an irl card

  13. Aaaaand now kavala houses are actually useless.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Think about this from the APD point of view.  Corporals+ would rarely answer the call to break down a door in Kavala which left the cops in Kavala assailing what was pretty much an impenetrable fortress.

      I know it is gonna suck that you can't sit in a house till  PO has to pull an SDAR to give you a free pardon anymore =(

    3. KrispyK


      i am thinking of this from an APD point of view. I ONLY play cop and medic. the only time i go on civ is to shoot helis down in warzone

      it was balanced before and forced corps to come into cities now they have no reason to actually leave redzones

    4. Vcx


      Yeah pretty stupid 

      Cops already can break windows down to get inside not that hard, literally people who like to scat can't now just buffing And every day makes it more fun totally 

  14. Someone link me the site that's trying to copy a salvation I need to see the memes

  15. What drama did I miss

    1. Bocaj


      @draMa is still here

  16. howd that one guy get designer but not my man @Gluxdator mans out here putting in quality work

  17. Psisyn is a doodoo streamer


    1. monster


      your just noticing that now?

  18. Isn't adv paramedic at 40 hrs?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. drama


      Unblacklist jester atleast he can math

    3. Jester


      ^ Still gotta wait 16 months but that would be easier :)


    4. KrispyK


      It's a meme lol

  19. welcome back @Ron !!

  20. fortnite torny in an hour. prize pool will depend on the amount of players. join olympus teamspeak room group #5 to get everything setup

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