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Status Updates posted by billdroid

  1. Merab or O’Malley 

  2. Is the server fixed or should I play valorant 

    1. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Billy deciding between doing silver runs or playing silver matches 

    2. billdroid


      im ascendant  asshole

    3. mrs nesbitt

      mrs nesbitt

      hey billy can i get some tips and tricks to get out of silver :3

  3. rip Johnny gaudreau 

    1. David Miller

      David Miller

      I was legitimately heartbroken, not a huge Blue Jackets fan but him and his brother on the night before their sisters wedding is tragic. Drunk driving is inexcusable, 5 beers deep and still drinking in his car.

  4. @ WALT  I’d just like to say that it humbles me to be chosen as the mar 10 gold giveaway winner. Even though I’d be able to afford it after this fantasy season with your money, it’s nice to have won it.

  5. This rainy day has me thinking, it’d be great to have an egirlfriend to talk to while I’m stuck inside the house 😔 

    1. buckie



    2. Cale


      you need more celsius ads at the station, attract the baddies 

  6. Male heterosexual 23 looking for egirl to get to know and play games with. Please let me know if interested.



  7. Can we disband the winters search party? 

    I think it’s time.

    1. -dante-


      It’s memorabilia at this point 

  8. What do you get from evidence lockup?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. billdroid


      So like I could do 4 failed bws and get the loot that was seized in those from the evidence lockup

    3. Mako


      Loot that is a specifically higher caliber, i.e. Suppressors, DMS, T4/5 Vests, Thermals etc. aren't put into the seized gear pool. This is to stop the lockup from being an infinite recycler of gear when people lose something of high value such as a .338 suppressor or a thermal helmet. 

    4. Farrel


      i love the new jail 

  9. This forums is shit can’t even go to second page of status updates

    1. swrvy
    2. billdroid


      You are still playing?

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      If you switch to the other theme you can browse pas page 1.  Not that you'll see this now that it's on the second page.

      FUCK @Ryan!

  10. Hey @buckiewhwts good young buck

    1. buckie


      Just been relaxing how about you billson 

  11. What happened to maxg

    1. Rafa


      He got corporal and he just got a new kidney. You’re getting out of the hospital buddy @maxg

  12. Free moderator dripppington this instant or else 

    1. buckie
    2. Drippp


      I would probably just cheat again 

  13. Gosh I miss when times were simpler and @ooooooooo was a moderator 😭 

  14. When they do you dirty and don’t give u tags

    1. Monks


      ask for designer purple is pretty neat

  15. congrats strae on what exactly?


    1. Strae
    2. Zeuse


      He is senior paintbrush I think. 😮

    3. Monks


      he puts colors on ifrits goodly

  16. @Hurricane finals are about to end and I will be playing siege and cod u down?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Millennium


      WOW BILLY didn’t even @ me 😞

    3. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      *me about to breach into site on R6*


      *me slipping on marbles left by the brand new agent whos name I cannot pronounce*


      *the enemy team wall banging me through 3 floors after I just got spotted 15 times*


    4. billdroid


      yes we will game once again

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