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Everything posted by billdroid

  1. bunch of roleplayers want night. This server makes me want to kill myself

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. destruct


      Tbh I prefer night, in terms of how practical it is to fight and shit, it's not at all, but, it gives a nice ambience to Altis 'Life'.

    3. billdroid


      @destruct that is why ur a disgusting human being. @Drippp should’ve dropped you dead

    4. Drippp


      Yeah take that back or 5 Muslims come to your doorstep and throw acid in your face 

  2. What about paki characters?!
  3. thank you mr buckie for representing me
  4. Make a vote on the forums and let us vote for speeding up night time instead of u just denying it. People who deny it don’t even play the server. @Ryan

  5. Shorter nights or vote day or something. Do something literally everyone wants it and y’all straight ignore us. It’s a damn shame 


    whoever deleted my last update is a punk bitch

  6. Hey happy birthday @enQii 

    hope you have a great day and stay away from arma 3

  7. no one wants to buy ur houses boomer
  8. Let’s get some real fixes on this server. We don’t need another black hatchback for cops. Fix the load out saving and loading. 

    1. Masonn


      Please, billy uses this feature all day very important.

    2. ThatNerdyGuy
  9. Cartels council is weak. Paying gangshed rent in advance. Jimmy is really running that into the ground smh
  10. Dude weirdest thing happened today. Tried to join the server and couldn’t. Something about maximum player or some shit. 

    1. Ryan


      Damn it’s good to be active again 🙂 

  11. I love olympus. teaching our youth important life lessons about gambling


  12. For me, back when I was in high school I would take a full 3-5 month break halfway through summer because of football. I would literally not find time to play and the few times I had time I almost never wanted to get on. Honestly, if you find other things to do, the games just took a back seat and were always there when I came back.
  13. i love arma 3

  14. @Bloodmoon okay boomer it's a joke
  15. make no rain and sped up nights or else

  16. Ryan killed the server nice No one cares about your useless little emo clique u call civilian council ty
  17. Ok boomer. You’ve had way too much caffeine. Okay boomer 👌 

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